Declarations to Destroy All Negative Pronouncements

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Declaration #1: Overcoming Negative Words with Truth

Bible Verse: Isaiah 54:17 (NIV)

“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.


  • No weapon or negative word formed against me shall prosper.
  • I stand against every negative pronouncement and declare them null and void.
  • My heritage in the Lord assures me of victory over every negative word.
  • I am vindicated by God from every false tongue and negative declaration.
  • Every negative word spoken against me falls powerless to the ground.
  • The truth of the Lord shields and protects me from every false accusation.
  • I am grounded in God’s word, rendering all negative voices mute.
  • I rise above every negative pronouncement, for God is my defender.
  • The Lord’s promise is my shield, turning every negative word into a blessing.
  • I silence every accusing tongue through the power of God’s truth.

Declaration #2: Standing Strong in the Face of Negativity

Bible Verse: Psalm 118:6 (NIV)

“The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”


  • The Lord is my strength, and no negative word can sway my spirit.
  • I walk confidently, knowing that with God on my side, no negativity can touch me.
  • The words of mortals cannot harm me when the Creator of the universe is with me.
  • I dismantle every negative pronouncement by the power of God’s presence in my life.
  • My spirit is fortified in Christ, rendering all negative words ineffective.
  • Fear has no place in my heart, for the Lord stands with me against negativity.
  • God’s voice of affirmation in my life drowns out all negative declarations.
  • The negativity of the world has no power over me, for God is my shield.
  • I am secure and unshaken, for the Lord is my refuge against all negative pronouncements.
  • No amount of negativity can overshadow God’s promise and protection in my life.

Declaration #3: Breaking the Chains of Negative Pronouncements

Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”


  • I break every chain of negative words spoken over my life.
  • My mind is aligned with Christ, and every negative thought is taken captive.
  • The knowledge of God stands tall against every falsehood and negative pronouncement.
  • Negative words crumble before the authority of Christ in my life.
  • My thoughts, words, and actions reflect God’s truth, nullifying all negativity.
  • With God’s word as my weapon, I demolish all negative declarations against me.
  • I am fortified in Christ, ensuring that every negative word falls powerless.
  • The voice of God in my life speaks louder than any negative pronouncement.
  • I am rooted in Christ, making me impervious to the negative declarations of the world.
  • Every negative word is captured and rendered powerless under the authority of Jesus in my life.

Declaration #4: Turning Negativity into a Stepping Stone

Bible Verse: Romans 8:28 (NIV)

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”


  • Every negative pronouncement against me is turned around for my good.
  • I am anchored in the promise that God is orchestrating all things for my benefit.
  • Negative words are merely stepping stones, leading me to God’s perfect plan.
  • I am called by God, and no negative word can divert His purpose in my life.
  • The love I have for God transforms negativity into pathways of blessing.
  • No matter the intent behind negative pronouncements, God’s intent is always for my good.
  • I rest in the assurance that God’s purpose for me remains unshaken by negativity.
  • God’s favor upon me transforms every negative word into an avenue of grace.
  • Through every negative storm, God’s purpose for me shines brighter.
  • I am a testament to God turning negativity into testimonies of His goodness.

Declaration #5: Embracing the Power of God’s Word Over Negativity

Bible Verse: Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”


  • The word of God actively negates every negative pronouncement against me.
  • I find strength in God’s word, a force more potent than any negativity.
  • The penetrating power of God’s word disarms the impact of all negative declarations.
  • My heart and thoughts are aligned with God’s word, shielding me from negativity.
  • With the sword of the Spirit, I cut down every negative word spoken against me.
  • The living word of God stands as an active barrier against all negativity in my life.
  • I am fortified by the truth of God’s word, rendering all negative pronouncements ineffective.
  • The vibrancy of God’s word in my life overshadows every negative declaration.
  • My spirit is in tune with God’s word, making me resilient against negativity.
  • The discerning power of God’s word separates truth from falsehood, keeping negativity at bay.

Declaration #6: Silencing Negativity with Faith and Assurance

Bible Verse: 1 John 5:4 (NIV)

“For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”


  • My faith in God nullifies every negative pronouncement spoken against me.
  • I walk in victory, silencing the voices of negativity with the shield of faith.
  • Born of God, I am equipped to overcome every negative word and declaration.
  • My faith in God’s promises trumps all negativity, keeping me steadfast.
  • The world’s negativity has no hold over me, for my faith grants me victory.
  • With faith as my foundation, every negative word crumbles before me.
  • I celebrate the triumph of faith over every negative word and thought.
  • My faith, anchored in God’s truth, protects me from the effects of negativity.
  • The power of my faith in God renders all negative pronouncements void.
  • With unwavering faith, I stand tall against every negative word and declaration.

Declaration #7: Transforming Negative Words into Praise

Bible Verse: Psalm 34:1 (NIV)

“I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”


  • In the face of negativity, my mouth will continually declare God’s praises.
  • Negative words cannot linger in my presence, for I am filled with praise for the Lord.
  • My response to every negative pronouncement is to lift God’s name higher.
  • The praises I offer create an atmosphere where negativity cannot thrive.
  • God’s adoration on my lips turns every negative word into a declaration of His goodness.
  • I replace the voices of negativity with songs of praise to my God.
  • The more negative words are spoken, the louder my praise for God becomes.
  • My focus remains on God’s faithfulness, overshadowing all negative pronouncements.
  • I am steadfast in praising God, turning negative moments into worship.
  • With every breath, I choose praise over negativity, declaring God’s greatness.

Declaration #8: Anchored in God’s Love Amidst Negativity

Bible Verse: Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


  • God’s love for me remains unshaken, no matter the negative words spoken against me.
  • I am securely anchored in Christ’s love, making me impervious to negativity.
  • No negative pronouncement holds power in comparison to God’s immense love for me.
  • My worth is determined by God’s love, not by negative words or declarations.
  • I find refuge in the knowledge that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.
  • The love of Christ is my shield against all negative words and intentions.
  • Negative words fade in significance when measured against the love of God.
  • I am enveloped in the everlasting love of God, shielding me from negativity’s sting.
  • With Christ’s love as my foundation, I stand firm against negative pronouncements.
  • The vastness of God’s love for me renders every negative word insignificant.

Declaration #9: Walking in the Light, Free from Negativity

Bible Verse: 1 John 1:7 (NIV)

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”


  • I walk in the light of Christ, where negativity has no place.
  • The blood of Jesus cleanses me from the impact of every negative word.
  • My steps are illuminated by God’s truth, guiding me away from negativity’s path.
  • I am purified and protected from all negativity by the redemptive power of Jesus.
  • Walking in the light ensures that the shadows of negative pronouncements never reach me.
  • I choose to remain in the fellowship of believers, supporting and lifting each other above negativity.
  • My path is free from negativity’s snares, for the light of Christ shows me the way.
  • The radiance of God’s presence in my life dispels all forms of negativity.
  • I am shielded from negative words by the purifying power of Jesus’ sacrifice.
  • As I walk in God’s light, every negative word falls behind, lost in the shadows.

Declaration #10: Finding Strength and Refuge in God

Bible Verse: Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”


  • In the face of negativity, I find my strength and refuge in God.
  • Negative pronouncements cannot shake me, for God is my steadfast fortress.
  • My heart remains calm amidst storms of negativity, knowing God is my protector.
  • Every negative word is overshadowed by God’s promise to be my ever-present help.
  • I stand firm against negativity, drawing strength from God’s unchanging nature.
  • The voice of the Lord is my shield, defending me from every negative declaration.
  • God’s presence ensures that I am never alone when facing negativity.
  • My trust is in God, the ultimate source of strength against all negative pronouncements.
  • Negative words lose their power in the face of God’s unfailing protection over my life.
  • In every situation, I am anchored in God, my refuge from negativity’s storms.

Declaration #11: Clothed in God’s Armor Against Negativity

Bible Verse: Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”


  • I am clothed in the full armor of God, making me resilient against negative words.
  • My stance is firm, protected from negativity by the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness.
  • I shield myself from negative pronouncements with the shield of faith.
  • The helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit empower me to counter every negative word.
  • Clothed in God’s armor, no negative scheme can prevail against me.
  • My feet are shod with the readiness of the gospel of peace, leading me away from negativity’s traps.
  • I am well-equipped to stand firm against any onslaught of negative declarations.
  • Every piece of God’s armor fortifies me, ensuring negativity cannot penetrate.
  • I move confidently, knowing God’s armor protects me from the arrows of negative words.
  • The armor of God is my defense, turning negative intentions into opportunities for victory.

Declaration #12: Living in Victory Over Negative Pronouncements

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV)

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”


  • I live in the victory that Christ has won, making me triumphant over negative words.
  • Negative pronouncements are powerless compared to the victory I have in Jesus.
  • With gratitude, I acknowledge God’s gift of victory over all forms of negativity.
  • I rise above every negative declaration, grounded in Christ’s victorious power.
  • Negativity has no hold on me, for I am a bearer of Christ’s victory.
  • I celebrate the triumph given to me through Jesus, silencing all negative voices.
  • Every negative word spoken against me is swallowed up in Christ’s victory.
  • I march forward in confidence, knowing that in Jesus, I am more than a conqueror over negativity.
  • My heart rejoices in the victory of Christ, overshadowing every negative pronouncement.
  • Victory is my birthright in Christ, making all negative words null and void in my life.

Declaration #13: Reclaiming Authority Over Negative Words

Bible Verse: Luke 10:19 (NIV)

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”


  • I exercise my God-given authority to nullify every negative word spoken against me.
  • With divine authority, I trample over negativity, ensuring it has no power over my destiny.
  • I am equipped with power from above to overcome the enemy’s negative schemes.
  • Negative pronouncements are rendered ineffective, for I walk in authority and dominion.
  • Nothing can harm or deter my spirit, for I operate in the authority of the Most High.
  • Every snake and scorpion of negativity is defeated under the weight of my authority in Christ.
  • I stand firm, declaring that no negative word will prosper against me or my loved ones.
  • I reclaim territories from the grip of negativity through the authority bestowed upon me.
  • With the authority in Christ’s name, I dismantle every negative pronouncement against my life.
  • I am an overcomer, holding the keys of authority against all negative forces.

Declaration #14: Rising Above Negative Words with Hope

Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


  • I am assured of God’s prosperous plans for me, rendering negative words ineffective.
  • Every negative pronouncement is overshadowed by God’s promise of a hopeful future.
  • My hope is anchored in God’s plans, lifting me above the noise of negativity.
  • The Lord’s intentions for me are pure and beneficial, counteracting all negative declarations.
  • I am filled with hope, knowing that God’s design for my life is paramount.
  • With eyes fixed on God’s promises, negative words fade into insignificance.
  • My hope in the Lord assures me of a future free from the scars of negativity.
  • God’s plans for my prosperity drown out the sounds of negative pronouncements.
  • I walk with confidence, fortified by the hope and future God has in store for me.
  • Negative words cannot deter me, for my hope rests in God’s unwavering plans.

Declaration #15: Standing Firm in Faith against Negativity

Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)

“For we live by faith, not by sight.”


  • My faith in God’s promises fortifies me against every negative word.
  • Negative circumstances and pronouncements cannot shake my unwavering faith.
  • I stand firm, grounded in faith, rendering negativity powerless.
  • My faith guides me beyond the realm of sight, where negative words hold no sway.
  • Negative words are mere shadows when illuminated by the light of faith.
  • My conviction in God’s promises shields me from the impact of negative pronouncements.
  • The foundation of my life is faith, making me resilient against negativity.
  • Through faith, I perceive God’s promises, overshadowing every negative voice.
  • I move confidently in faith, assured that negativity has no hold on my destiny.
  • Every step I take is guided by faith, leading me away from the snares of negativity.

Declaration #16: Embracing God’s Word Over Negative Declarations

Bible Verse: Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”


  • I choose to believe and stand on God’s Word, which prevails over all negative utterances.
  • Every negative word falls to the ground in the face of God’s powerful and accomplishing Word.
  • My heart is anchored in the Word of God, nullifying every negative declaration against me.
  • The promises of God in my life will accomplish their purpose, overshadowing negativity.
  • I am assured that God’s Word in me will not return void, regardless of negative voices.
  • By embracing God’s Word, I activate its power to counteract and dissolve negativity.
  • The Word of God stands as a protective barrier against any negative pronouncement.
  • I celebrate the certainty that God’s Word achieves its purpose, making negative declarations ineffective.
  • Every negative word is silenced by the authoritative and accomplishing Word of God in my life.
  • In every situation, God’s Word is my final authority, rendering all negative pronouncements null.

Declaration #17: Overcoming Negative Declarations through Prayer

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


  • Through prayer, I release every burden of negative words, allowing God’s peace to fill me.
  • When faced with negativity, I turn to prayer, invoking God’s presence and protection.
  • My response to negative declarations is steadfast prayer, ensuring they have no hold on me.
  • The peace of God, activated through prayer, shields my heart and mind from negativity.
  • With a heart full of thanksgiving, I counteract negative pronouncements through powerful petitions.
  • Every negative word dissolves in the presence of the peace that my prayers usher in.
  • Through prayer, I align with God’s purposes, silencing the voices of negativity.
  • My prayers rise as a protective wall, guarding me from the impact of negative declarations.
  • Engaging in prayer empowers me to rise above negativity, basking in God’s transcendent peace.
  • With every negative word, I am driven deeper into prayer, drawing closer to the heart of God.

Declaration #18: Flourishing Despite Negative Declarations

Bible Verse: Psalm 92:12-13 (NIV)

“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.”


  • I am like a palm tree, resilient and unshaken by negative pronouncements.
  • Negative words cannot hinder my growth, for I flourish in the Lord’s presence.
  • Planted in God’s house, I thrive and prosper, rendering negative declarations powerless.
  • The attempts of negativity are futile, for I am destined to flourish like the cedars of Lebanon.
  • No negative word can uproot me, for I am firmly planted in God’s courts.
  • I am destined to thrive, and every negative declaration falls by the wayside.
  • The more negativity tries to stifle me, the more I flourish in the strength and nourishment of the Lord.
  • God’s promises over my life ensure that I flourish, overshadowing every negative word.
  • The Lord’s favor on my life propels me to flourish, irrespective of negative voices.
  • Amidst negative pronouncements, I continue to grow and prosper, demonstrating God’s faithfulness.

Declaration #19: God’s Love Shields from Negative Words

Bible Verse: Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


  • I am enveloped in God’s unwavering love, making every negative word insignificant.
  • The power of God’s love for me is a shield against all forms of negative pronouncements.
  • No amount of negativity can sever the bond of love God has established with me.
  • In the face of negative declarations, I find solace and strength in the assurance of God’s love.
  • God’s love stands as a protective barrier, ensuring that negativity cannot penetrate.
  • My confidence lies in the truth that nothing can separate me from the love of God, not even negative words.
  • The love of God is my fortress against negativity, assuring me of victory at every turn.
  • I am held securely in God’s love, making every negative pronouncement powerless against me.
  • Every time negativity attempts to bring me down, the love of God lifts me higher.
  • I rest in the knowledge that God’s love for me is immeasurable and stronger than any negative declaration.

Declaration #20: God’s Promises Overrule Negative Pronouncements

Bible Verse: Numbers 23:19 (NIV)

“God is not human, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”


  • Every promise from God in my life stands firm, nullifying negative words.
  • I hold onto God’s unchanging nature, trusting that His promises overrule any negative declaration.
  • When negativity surrounds, I cling to the truth that God does not lie, and His promises are sure.
  • I stand on the foundation of God’s word, making every negative pronouncement void.
  • My heart is anchored in the assurance that God’s promises will always come to pass, despite negative voices.
  • The steadfastness of God’s word gives me confidence to rise above all forms of negativity.
  • God’s promises are my shield, repelling every negative word aimed at my destiny.
  • The certainty of God’s word ensures that every negative declaration against me falls flat.
  • I rejoice in the knowledge that God’s promises are unbreakable, making negative words impotent.
  • In every situation, I trust in the unwavering nature of God’s promises, overshadowing any negative pronouncement.

Declaration #21: Transforming Negative Declarations into Blessings

Bible Verse: Genesis 50:20 (NIV)

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”


  • I believe that what was meant for harm, God is turning around for my good.
  • Negative pronouncements are being transformed into stepping stones for greater blessings.
  • In the face of negativity, I stand assured that God’s purpose for my life will prevail.
  • Every negative intention against me is being reshaped by God into opportunities for growth and elevation.
  • I rejoice, knowing that God is using negative words as fuel for my destiny.
  • The plots of negativity will always be overshadowed by God’s overarching plans for my good.
  • With faith, I declare that every negative word spoken against me is being reversed for my benefit.
  • The enemy’s attempts to harm me are being transformed by God into avenues of blessings.
  • I rest in the knowledge that God’s goodness and purpose in my life will always triumph over negativity.
  • Every negative declaration, no matter how daunting, is under the sovereign control of God, who turns it into good for me.

Declaration #22: My Identity in Christ Overcomes Negative Declarations

Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”


  • I am a new creation in Christ, and negative pronouncements have no bearing on my identity.
  • Old negative words and curses are rendered obsolete, for I am renewed in Christ Jesus.
  • As a new creation, my identity is anchored in God’s word and not in negative declarations.
  • Every day, I embrace the newness of life in Christ, rising above the weight of negativity.
  • I rejoice in the transformation that being in Christ brings, overshadowing every negative word.
  • The old nature that was susceptible to negativity has passed; I now stand firm in my new identity in Christ.
  • My past does not define me; I am defined by my new life in Christ, free from the grip of negative words.
  • The power of Christ’s transformation in me makes every negative pronouncement null and void.
  • I am continually being refreshed and renewed in Christ, making me resilient against negativity.
  • I celebrate the victory of being a new creation, which ensures that no negative declaration can hold me down.

Declaration #23: Boldness Against Negative Words Through Christ’s Strength

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


  • Through Christ’s strength, I rise above every negative word and declaration.
  • No negative pronouncement can weaken me, for I draw strength from Christ.
  • I am filled with divine boldness, ensuring that negative words cannot deter my spirit.
  • With Christ as my source of strength, I confront and nullify every negative word against me.
  • My ability to overcome negativity is powered by the unparalleled strength of Christ in me.
  • Negative words hold no power when faced with the might and strength I receive from Christ.
  • I move forward confidently, knowing that I can handle and transform all negativity through Christ’s strength.
  • The strength I possess in Christ enables me to turn every negative declaration into a testimony.
  • I stand undaunted in the face of negative pronouncements, drawing from the wellspring of Christ’s strength.
  • I am unstoppable and unshakeable, for Christ empowers me to defy and rise above negativity.

Declaration #24: The Joy of the Lord is My Strength Against Negativity

Bible Verse: Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)

“Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”


  • I am filled with the joy of the Lord, making every negative pronouncement ineffective.
  • The joy that comes from the Lord is my shield, repelling every negative word.
  • In moments of negativity, I tap into the boundless joy of the Lord, which fortifies me.
  • Negative words cannot steal my joy, for it flows from the unending well of the Lord.
  • I am equipped with divine joy, ensuring that no negative declaration can dampen my spirit.
  • The joy of the Lord in me neutralizes the weight and impact of negative words.
  • I stand joyfully in God’s presence, knowing that His joy is a powerful weapon against negativity.
  • Even when faced with challenges, the joy of the Lord sustains and strengthens me against negative utterances.
  • I choose to remain joyful, confident that the joy of the Lord nullifies every negative intention against me.
  • With a heart full of God’s joy, I rise above negativity, triumphing in every situation.

Declaration #25: The Power of the Holy Spirit Counters Negative Declarations

Bible Verse: Romans 8:11 (NIV)

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.”


  • The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, overpowering every negative word.
  • No negative declaration can diminish the vitality and power that the Holy Spirit imparts to me.
  • The Holy Spirit within me acts as a barrier, neutralizing the effects of negative pronouncements.
  • With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I navigate away from negativity and into God’s promises.
  • Every negative word is overshadowed by the indomitable power of the Holy Spirit in me.
  • The Spirit’s presence revitalizes me, ensuring that negative declarations cannot drain my spirit.
  • Through the Holy Spirit, I am invigorated with divine strength to counter all negativity.
  • I rely on the transformative power of the Holy Spirit to turn negative words into blessings.
  • The indwelling of the Holy Spirit fortifies my heart and mind, making me resilient against negative utterances.
  • With the Holy Spirit as my advocate, I stand firm, confident that no negativity can prevail.

Declaration #26: God’s Truth Dispels Negative Pronouncements

Bible Verse: John 8:32 (NIV)

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


  • I am anchored in God’s truth, rendering every negative word powerless.
  • The truth of God’s word is my stronghold, shielding me from the impact of negative declarations.
  • By knowing and embracing God’s truth, I experience freedom from negativity.
  • Negative pronouncements are dispelled when faced with the liberating truth of God’s word.
  • I stand firm in the truth, confident that it will always prevail over negativity.
  • The truth of God illuminates my path, guiding me away from the snares of negative words.
  • I rejoice in the freedom that God’s truth grants, ensuring that no negative declaration can bind me.
  • God’s unwavering truth is my compass, directing me through the maze of negativity.
  • Every time a negative word is spoken, I counter it with the empowering truth of God’s word.
  • The truth of God in my heart acts as a beacon, overshadowing and dispelling all negative utterances.

Declaration #27: God’s Protection Guards Against Negative Words

Bible Verse: Psalm 91:1-2 (NIV)

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”


  • I dwell in God’s shelter, ensuring that negative pronouncements cannot reach me.
  • The Almighty’s shadow is my refuge, shielding me from the darts of negative words.
  • In God, I find a fortress that stands firm against every negative declaration.
  • I trust in the Lord’s protection, confident that negativity cannot penetrate His shield around me.
  • My security is anchored in the Lord, making every negative word ineffective.
  • As I rest in God’s shadow, negative pronouncements are turned away, ensuring my peace.
  • God’s protective covering ensures that negative words fall to the ground before reaching me.
  • I declare that the Lord is my protector, and under His watchful eye, no negativity can prevail.
  • In every situation, I rely on God’s protective embrace, nullifying the power of negative utterances.
  • With the Lord as my refuge, I am fortified against all forms of negativity and negative declarations.

Declaration #28: God’s Word Renews and Refreshes My Mind

Bible Verse: Romans 12:2 (NIV)

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


  • My mind is daily renewed by the word of God, making every negative pronouncement void.
  • I choose not to be swayed by worldly patterns of negativity but to immerse myself in God’s transformative word.
  • The refreshing power of God’s word equips me to discern and reject negative declarations.
  • As my mind is renewed, I gain clarity and insight, ensuring that no negativity takes root.
  • Through God’s word, my perspective shifts from negativity to His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
  • I am transformed and empowered by the continuous renewal of my mind through God’s scriptures.
  • Every negative word is replaced by God’s truth as my mind is daily washed by His word.
  • The power of God’s word renews my thinking, making me resilient against the onslaught of negative utterances.
  • I delight in the transformation that God’s word brings, ensuring that I rise above all negativity.
  • By renewing my mind with the word of God, I align with His perfect will, making negative declarations ineffective.

Declaration #29: God’s Peace Guards My Heart from Negativity

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


  • The peace of God surrounds my heart, shielding it from every negative word.
  • No negative pronouncement can penetrate the protective peace that God grants me.
  • I am enveloped in God’s supernatural peace, ensuring that negativity finds no place in me.
  • My heart and mind are fortified by the peace of God, rendering every negative word powerless.
  • I choose to rest in God’s peace, confident that it will always protect me from negativity.
  • The peace that transcends understanding is my guard against the disruptions of negative utterances.
  • Every negative declaration is silenced by the overwhelming peace of God in my life.
  • I find solace and strength in the peace of God, making me immune to negativity’s influence.
  • The peace of God stands as a barrier, ensuring that negative words cannot disturb my spirit.
  • With God’s peace as my guard, I remain undeterred and unfazed by any negative pronouncement.

Declaration #30: The Victory of Christ Makes Me Overcome Negative Declarations

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV)

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”



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  • I walk in the victory of Christ, ensuring that every negative pronouncement is defeated.
  • The triumph of Jesus empowers me to overcome and rise above negative words.
  • Negative declarations have no dominion over me, for I am rooted in Christ’s victorious power.
  • I rejoice in the victory that Christ provides, knowing that it nullifies every negative word against me.
  • Every negative intention against my destiny is overshadowed by the victory of Jesus.
  • I stand firm in the finished work of Christ, rendering every negative declaration ineffective.
  • Through Christ’s victory, I am more than a conqueror, ensuring that no negativity prevails.
  • I boldly declare that, in Christ, I am victorious, and no negative word can deter my destiny.
  • The victory of Jesus is my anchor, guaranteeing that negative pronouncements fall to the ground.
  • With gratitude, I celebrate the victory that Jesus provides, ensuring that I am always above negativity.
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