Prayers for Breaking Soul Ties

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Prayer to break soul ties – 1

Father, as I begin this prayers, I ask you to be a hedge of protection around me. Wash me with the blood of your Son, Jesus. I renounce all agreements, covenants, promises and covenants that I have knowingly and unknowingly made with the kingdom of darkness through ungodly dealings in the name of Jesus. I give my life to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus. Devil, you got nothing on me ’cause I was bought at a price. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

Prayer to break soul ties – 2

Heavenly Father, you created us for relationship. Lord, I meet and interact with different people every day, but not all of them have their hearts in the right place. Some people are agents of the enemy, that is why I come to you, Father, asking you to help me discern the pious souls from the ungodly. Lord, I am severing the evil soul ties with the agents of the enemy I have unknowingly interacted with. I renounce every covenant and agreement I have made with these people, in the name of Jesus. I purify myself with the blood of Jesus and declare that I am completely free. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

Prayer to break soul ties – 3

Dear Lord, your word says that if we draw near to you, you will draw near to us. Help me to approach you. Remove anyone in my life that causes me to focus on them instead of you. Break the evil soul ties formed between us and strengthen me so that I will not be tempted to return to this evil relationship. Keep my soul from being tied to people who want my life to revolve around them and not you. Break all soul ties that have formed between Satan and me through these people and help me walk in the freedom that Jesus died to give me. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

Prayer to break soul ties – 4

Father, I offended you by mingling with the wicked. I walked with them and followed their advice, Lord, I’m sorry. Forgive me for straying from the path you have marked out for me. Purify me with your blood and break these bad relations. Whatever agreements I have had with these people, they are null and void, in the name of Jesus Christ. All soul ties formed between us are severed by the blood of Jesus. I choose to cling to you alone and refuse to return to these relationships. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

Prayer to break soul ties – 5

Heavenly Father, I reject anyone who has brought evil into my life. I severed the evil soul link that had formed between that person and me. I declare restoration to parts of my life that have been broken and crushed, in the name of Jesus. Heal my heart and help me choose the right kind of relationships from now on. Lord, give me the strength to always look to you for relationship advice before allowing anyone into my personal life. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

Prayer to break soul ties – 6

Dear God, I come before your throne with a broken heart for I need mercy. Lord, I have sinned against you by associating with the ungodly. Doing this led me to live a life of sin, and it also opened doors for evil soul ties. Lord, forgive me for putting people above you. By the power, in the blood of Jesus, I release myself from all covenants and agreements I have made with these people in the mighty name of Jesus. I decree and declare that I am free, and these agreements are null and void as of today. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

Prayer to break soul ties – 7

Lord, you gave me the power to trample snakes and scorpions, and you promise nothing will hurt me. I stand firm in this authority and declare that I am free from every ungodly soul tie, in the name of Jesus. Every evil spirit that has taken advantage of ungodly soul ties in my life to torment and strengthen curses in my life be defeated, in the name of Jesus. Lord, help me to walk in holiness now. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

Prayer to break soul ties – 8

Father, you sent your only son to die on the cross for me so that I could live in total freedom. Today I stand firm in your word and declare that I am free from ungodly soul ties. Lord, I release myself from every curse in my life imposed by the enemy because of these evil soul ties in the name of Jesus. I choose to walk in freedom and God’s purposes for my life. In the name of Jesus, I believe and pray, Amen.

God bless you!


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