Post Sitemap
- Christian Bedtime Prayers: Seeking Peaceful Sleep
- Opening Prayer to Request Safety: The Protection of God’s Wings
- Following Your Guidance: The Wisdom of Divine Direction
- Prayer for Business Success: Putting God First
- Revive My Soul Prayer: Renewed Passion and Zeal for God
- Prayer for Providence: Trusting God’s Plan
- Waiting on the Lord: Strength Through Patience
- Prayer of Sisterly Hardship: Strengthening Bonds Through Challenges
- Prayer for Spiritual Fervor: Renewing Our Passion for God
- Worship God Prayer: A Heart of Worship
- Prayer for Forgiveness: Accepting God's Mercy
- Prone to Wander Prayer: Returning to the Shepherd
- Prayer for Success: Guidance in Decision-Making
- Prayer for Protection: God is Our Refuge and Strength
- Prayer to the Good Shepherd: Guidance and Protection
- Prayer of Self-Forgiveness: Accepting God's Grace
- Empower Us with Inner Strength Prayer: Rooted and Established in Love
- Wife's Prayer for Showers of Blessings: Nourishment and Growth in the Marriage
- Prayer for Church Leadership: Wisdom and Guidance
- Come Holy Spirit Prayer: The Gift of the Holy Spirit
- Faith in God’s Providence: Trusting God’s Plans
- Prayer to the Lord of Heaven's Armies: Finding Strength and Protection
- Mother's Joy Prayer: Finding Joy in the Blessings of Motherhood
- Prayer for Assurance: God Who Is for Us
- Strength for the Weary: Trust in God's Enduring Love
- Prayer for Peace: The Serenity in Christ
- Special Request Prayer: Seeking Divine Guidance
- God's Presence Prayer: In the Midst of Trials
- Prayer for a Revolution in Finances: God as Provider
- Prayer for Restoration: God Restores What is Lost
- Prayer to Calm My Anger: The Path of Self-Control
- Supply My Needs Prayer: The Assurance of God’s Provision
- Prayer for Humility: Emulating Christ's Servant Heart
- Prayer for a Hiding Place: Finding Refuge in God
- Prayer for Healing: Trusting in God's Promises
- Prayer for Peace and Rest: Finding Solace in Christ
- Blessed Leadership Prayer: Seeking God's Guidance
- True Strength Prayer: Finding Strength in Weakness
- Protection during Daily Routine: Trusting in God's Shield
- Prayer for Overcoming: Finding Strength in Christ
- Deliver Me Prayer: Finding Refuge in God's Arms
- Prayer for Comfort: Finding Solace in God's Presence
- Rest in You Prayer: Finding Peace in God's Presence
- Prayer for Prosperity: Trusting in God's Abundance
- Prayer for a Miracle: Trusting in God's Infinite Power
- Prayer for Removing Wrong Motives: Seeking God's Will
- Prayer for a Shield: God's Protection and Refuge
- Experience God’s Favor Prayer
- Christmas is a Gift Prayer
- Prayer for the Forgiveness of the Imprisoned
- Peaceful and Quiet Prayer
- Prayer for Sincerity
- Desires of My Heart Prayer
- Strength Prayer
- Prayer for Sportsmanship Conduct
- Powerful Transformation Prayer
- Prayer about Advertising
- Prayer of Submission
- Prayer for the Right Home
- Teach Me Wisdom Prayer
- Prayer of Sisterly Love
- Trust Prayer
- Prayer for Exhaustion
- Prayer for My Teachers and Administrators
- Prayer for a Guarded Mind
- Better Life Prayer
- Undivided Heart Prayer
- Give Me Strength Prayer
- Peaceful Life Prayer
- Prayer to Have the Mind of Christ
- Peace Prayer
- Overpower Obstacles Prayer
- Heroes of the Faith Prayer
- Prayer before Tough Game
- Trinity Prayer
- Prayer for the Destitute
- Lead Me Prayer
- Help Me Be Faithful Prayer
- Nourishment Prayer
- Guidance Prayer
- Thanksgiving Prayer
- Use Me as Your Vessel Prayer
- Shepherd Prayer
- Prayer to Overwhelmingly Conquer
- Bring Them to Full Repentance Prayer
- Pastor’s Prayer
- Fullness of Power Prayer
- Gratitude Prayer
- God’s Word Prayer
- Prayer for His Presence
- Give Me Rest Prayer
- Overwhelmed Prayer
- Guidance Prayer
- Prayer of Peaceful Passing
- Prayer to Tear Down Strongholds
- Strength in the Lord Prayer
- Ability for Wealth Prayer
- Authority Prayer
- Prayer for Peace
- Father to My Children
- Prayer for Fatherhood
- Peace Prayer
- Obstacle Prayer
- Comfort My Heart Prayer
- Transform My Heart Prayer
- Joy in Your Presence Prayer
- Closing Prayer of Protection
- Protection Prayer
- Breakthrough for a Loved One Prayer
- Communities of Grace
- Freedom Prayer
- Someone to Help Prayer
- Prayer for Friendships
- Grace Prayer
- Prayer for Son to be Drawn to the Truth
- Strength in God Prayer
- I Bring My Burdens Prayer
- Prayer for Peace
- Prayer for His Love
- Prayers for Travelling Mercies
- Clear Guidance Prayer
- Blessings Prayers
- Prayer for Being Satisfied
- Supernatural Peace Prayer
- Prayer to be Set Apart
- Prayer for Meeting My Needs
- Business Prayer
- Healthy Leadership Prayer
- Prayer for a Surrendered Mind
- Prayer to Soothe My Spirit from the Loss of My Child
- Peace Prayer
- Powerful Name Prayer
- Perseverance Prayer
- Growth Prayer
- Prayer for My Unbelief
- Prayer Against Discouragement
- Mercy Prayer
- Prayer for Lordship
- Prayer for Confidence
- Hope for the Future Prayer
- Healthy Relationship Prayer
- Deeper Understanding Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Equipped for Service Prayer
- Compassion Prayer
- Prayer for Deliverance from Demons
- Overcome Relationship Problems Prayer
- The Broken Hearted Prayer
- Prayer for Restored Joy
- Prayer for My Light
- Watch over Us Prayer
- Filling with Divine Breath Prayer
- Prayer to Feel God Watching Me
- Thankful Prayer
- Physical Healing Prayer
- Strength and Protection Prayer
- Gracious Communication Prayer
- Prayer for My Unbelief
- Fill My Heart Prayer
- Prayer for Covering
- Special Intentions Prayer
- Safety Prayer
- Prayer to Break down Walls of Jealousy and Insecurity
- Prayer of Thanks for Great Talent
- Stress-Free Travel Prayer
- The Vision of a Joint Ministry Prayer
- An Inmate’s Prayer for Safety
- Success Prayer
- Prayer for Surrender
- Guidance Prayer
- Firm in One Spirit Prayer
- Prayer for Endurance
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Conform My Thoughts to Yours Prayer
- Watch Over Me Prayer
- Authority Prayer
- Opening Prayer of Sanctification
- Protection from Wrong Influences Prayer
- Prayer for Son Who Has Gone Astray
- Prayer for Fruitfulness
- Prayer during a Disaster
- Sibling’s Prayer for Eternity
- Prayer of Despair
- Prayer to Work Hard
- Christmas Carol Prayer
- Remembrance of Your Love Prayer
- Remove My Resentment Prayer
- God’s Good Purposes Prayer
- Prayer for Assistance
- Prayer for Harmony and Humility
- Love Prayer
- Guidance Prayer
- Prayer for Health of Players
- Renew My Strength Prayer
- Effective Surgery Prayer
- Prayer to Understand Winning
- Guidance Prayer
- Healing from Anxiety Prayer
- Laying Them All at Your Feet Prayer
- Prayer for the Unseen
- Prayer for Help to Navigate Life
- Godly Spouse Prayer
- Prayer for Intimacy
- Prayer for Hope
- Greater Than My Battles Prayer
- Prayer for Integrity
- Prayer for Comfort
- Prayer for Families Hurt by Racism
- Revere Your Glory Prayer
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Victory Over Anger Prayer
- Hear God’s Voice Prayer
- Strength for Transformation Prayer
- Health Prayer
- Prayer for Lordship
- Prayer for Hearts of Peace and Love
- Single Mother Prayer
- Prayer for Mutual Concern
- Fill Me with Power Prayer
- Generous God Prayer
- Prayer in Final Sickness
- Protection from Lies Prayer
- Prayer for Abundant Life
- Breakthrough Prayer
- Help Us Understand Your Power Prayer
- Courage Prayer
- Prayer for Appreciation
- Family and Friends Prayer
- A Prayer for a Friend to Know Jesus
- Prayer Against Cancer
- Prayer for My Sister in Christ
- A Prayer When Plans Are Canceled
- Freedom Prayer
- Prayer to Walk as Children of the Light
- Job Opportunity Prayer
- One Flesh Prayer
- Gratitude Prayer
- Prayer for Angelic Protection
- Victory Prayer
- Successful Life Prayer
- Psalm 91 - God Our Protector
- Healing Prayer
- Success in Life Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Wife’s Prayer Like Rachel
- Prayer for Grace
- Strength Prayer
- Prayer for Development
- Healing Prayer
- Spiritual Protection Prayer
- Temple of the Holy Spirit Prayer
- Speak to Us God Prayer
- Living Stones Prayer
- Deliverance from Danger Prayer
- Surprises for the Morning Prayer
- Priorities Prayer
- Prayer for Retraining
- Strength Prayer
- An Inmate’s Prayer for Obtaining Training
- Mother’s Gratitude for Master Plan Prayer
- Rest and Peace Prayer
- Trample Down All Problems Prayer
- Calm Mind Prayer
- Armor of God Prayer
- Prayer for Deliverance
- Prayer for Deliverance
- Never Let Me Doubt Prayer
- Prayer for Restoring Lost Senses
- Compassion Prayer
- Prayer for Wisdom
- Prayer for the Earth
- Good Friends Prayer
- Agape Love Prayer
- Glory and Praise Prayer
- Prayer with Expectancy
- Prayer for Before Any Game
- Better Future Prayer
- Temporary Afflictions Prayer
- Hope and Security Prayer
- Business Prosperity Prayer
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Prayer about Identity
- Establish Your Church Prayer
- Prayer for Growth Through Suffering
- Be Still and Know Prayer
- Prayer for Favor from God
- Still My Heart Prayer
- Prayer for a Family’s Direction
- Prayer for a Family’s Unity
- Power of My Power
- Completion in You Prayer
- Freedom Prayer
- The Angel Prayer
- Prayer for Holy Spirit Power
- Protect Your Church Prayer
- Psalm 136 - A Hymn of Thanksgiving
- Hope Prayer
- Prayer for Tomorrow
- Nourishment Prayer
- Prayer for Husband to be a Man of Praise
- Victory Prayer
- Prayer for Peace
- Prayer for Faithfulness
- Walking in Victory Prayer
- Prayer for Vision for Family
- Sufficiency of God’s Grace Prayer
- Time for Everything Prayer
- Prayer for Facing Difficult Choices
- Integrity Prayer
- Refresh My Soul Prayer
- Prayer for What to Say in an Interview
- Prayer for Wisdom During Crisis
- Veterans Prayer
- Prayer for Strength
- Opening Prayer of Praise
- Restoration Prayer
- Defeat Worry Prayer
- Heal Their Hearts Prayer
- Restored Health Prayer
- Tranquility Prayer
- Accept Our Worship Prayer
- Source of Prosperity Prayer
- Christ’s Bride Prayer
- Comfort Prayer
- Make Me a Person of Integrity Prayer
- Not Forsaken Prayer
- Debt Cancelation Prayer
- Prayer of Blessing for the Day
- Teach Me Prayer
- Prayer for Sadness (or Depression)
- Prayer for Healing
- Prayer for Ingenuity
- Prayer for the Right Words
- Prayer for Covering
- Glorify God Prayer
- Prayer Regarding Hurtful Words
- Prayer for Those in Unbelief
- Prayer for Good Relationship Traits
- Fight for Me Prayer
- Remove My Sadness Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Healing Prayer
- Prayer Against Stronghold of Alcoholism
- Prayer for Good Employees
- Brokenhearted Prayer
- Better Life Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Powerful Declarations Christians Should Make Daily
- Christian Prayers for Good Health
- Prayer for Mercy and Favor
- Prayer for Appropriate Action and Mindset
- Supernatural Abundance and Peace Prayer
- Prayer to Hear My Call
- Guidance Prayer
- Follow Your Ways Prayer
- Safe Journey Prayer
- Prayer for Endurance
- Transformation Prayer
- Hear My Request Prayer
- Strengthen Me Prayer
- Steps to Prosperity Prayer
- Sparkle with Grace Prayer
- Work for the Lord Prayer
- Wisdom and Understanding Prayer
- Healing and Recovery Prayer
- Effective Teaching Prayer
- Word of God Prayer
- Powerful Prayers for Favour and Breakthrough
- Lead Us Prayer
- Plans Prayer
- Stronghold Prayer
- Eternal Life Prayer
- Prayer to Raise Children Well
- Healing Prayer
- Motivate My Spirit Prayer
- Healing Prayer
- Prayer to Choose Righteous Friends
- Dealing with Failure Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Conquering Prayer
- Calm My Mind Prayer
- Rekindle Our Love Prayer
- Faith for the Future Prayer
- Forgive My Sin Prayer
- Health Prayer
- Prayer for Location
- Prayer for Those Gathered Around the Table
- Prayer for God to be Lord of Our Home
- Gratitude for All Sisters of Christ Prayer
- Watch Over Me Prayer
- Good Future Prayer
- Family Prayer
- Traveling Anxieties Prayer
- Refuge in Jesus’s Pierced Hands Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Victory Prayer
- Prayer to Use Gifts for the Church
- Prayer to Restore Hope
- King of Kings Prayer
- Our Shelter in Storm Prayer
- Unshakable Faith Prayer
- Restoration Prayer
- Thanksgiving Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- A Prayer in Celebration
- Prayer for the Power of the Tongue
- New Creation Prayer
- Prayer for a Family’s Strength
- Prayer to Stretch out Arms of Love
- A Prayer When Passed over for a Promotion
- Her Future Prayer
- My Debt Is Paid Prayer
- Faith in the Unseen God Prayer
- Your Mighty Power within Us Prayer
- A Prayer for a Friend to Reconcile with Others
- Strength Prayer
- Restoration Prayer
- Powerful Name Prayer
- Prayer for Refuge
- Prayer to Heal a Broken Heart
- Divine Health
- The Miracle Prayer
- Fear No Evil Prayer
- Forgiveness Prayer
- Closing Prayer of Thankfulness
- Prayer for a Fixed Mind
- God is My Rock Prayer
- Watch Over Me Prayer
- Grateful Prayer for Protection
- Truthful Calling Prayer
- Strengthen Me Prayer
- Embolden Us to Share Your Gospel Prayer
- Prayer for Restoring Wholeness for One with PTSD
- Countless Blessings Prayer
- Prayer of Renewal
- Spiritual Attack Prayer
- Prayer for Change
- Prayer to Be a Better Spouse
- Prayer to God of My Rescue
- Comfort in Suffering Prayer
- Prayer for True Happiness
- Fight for Me Prayer
- Wealth and Honor Come from You Prayer
- Prayer for a Fruitful Meeting
- Right Position Prayer
- Prayer to the Lord of Our Home
- Ears that Hear Prayer
- Prayer for Honor
- Understanding Prayer
- Identity Prayer
- Prayer for Deep Rest
- Prayer for Preserving Unity
- Sovereign Lord Prayer
- Prayer of Thanksgiving for Sustenance
- Purity Prayer
- Spiritual Warfare Prayers for the Mind
- Calm My Mind Prayer
- Good Weather Prayer
- Thanksgiving Prayer
- Strength Through the Night Prayer
- Community of Love Prayer
- Heart of Flesh Prayer
- The Goodness of God Prayer
- Food Scarcity Prayer
- Prayer for Life-Changing Power
- Husband’s Prayer for Wisdom
- Labor Prayer
- Prayer for Developing Healthy Relationship Skills
- Love and Kindness Prayer
- Prayer for Angry Attitude
- Prayer for My Addiction
- Prayer for Blessings
- Leading with Wisdom Prayer
- Refreshing Sleep Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Prayer for Victory
- Your Perfect Will Prayer
- Prayers for Business Growth
- Transformation Prayer
- Conquer My Frustration Prayer
- Perfect Peace Prayer
- The Broken Hearted Prayer
- Prayer for a Leader’s Courage
- Prayer for Goodwill
- Take away My Fear Prayer
- Compassion and Understanding Prayer
- Hearts Flooded with Light Prayer
- Thankful Heart Prayer
- Guide Our Thoughts Prayer
- Prayer for Life
- Prayer for Forgiveness
- Prayer for Honor
- Deliver Me from Judgement Prayer
- Prayer to Bind Illness
- Endurance Prayer
- Closer to You Prayer
- Right Relationships Prayer
- Fight for Me Prayer
- Prayer to Feel Whole Again
- Christian Prayers for Married Couples
- Refuge Prayer
- Unwavering Faith Prayer
- Anoint My Business Prayer
- Prayer for Provision
- I Shall Live Prayer
- Internal Strength Prayer
- Prayer for Son’s Redemption
- Serve You Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Godly Jealousy Prayer
- Gather Together Prayer
- Prayer for Parents to Say for Their High Schoolers
- Giving Wisdom Prayer
- Favor Prayer
- Healing Prayer of Surrender
- Your Plans, Not Mine Prayer
- Prayer for His Presence
- Grow in Wisdom Prayer
- Prayer for Fertility
- Prayer for Emotional Well-Being
- Remove Fear from My Heart Prayer
- Walk in Good Health Prayer
- Direct My Thoughts Prayer
- Finding a Soulmate Wife Prayer
- Prayer of Gratitude
- Surrounded by God’s Love Prayer
- Birth Prayer
- Student’s Prayer
- God of Strength Prayer
- Prayer for Parents
- Faith in God’s Promises Prayer
- Bless My Journey Prayer
- Prayer for Protection for One with PTSD
- Surrender Prayer
- Healing from Past Pains Prayer
- Safety Prayer
- Save My Son Prayer
- Prayer for God’s Presence
- Prayer for Strength
- Travel Safely Prayer
- Psalm 38 - The Prayer of a Sufferer
- Goodnight Prayer for a Spouse (Wife)
- Prayer for Child Born Sleeping
- Condemnation Prayer
- Prayer for Lifting a Divine Judgment
- Pregnancy Prayer
- Closing Prayer of Evangelism
- Prayer for Parent’s Peace
- Give Me Strength Prayer
- Grateful for Family Prayer
- Prayer for Faith
- Prayer for Your Will
- Confession Prayer
- Compassion Prayer
- Prayers for Strength and Guidance
- Peaceful Mind Prayer
- Sad Heart Prayer
- Prayers for Mothers for When You Feel Weary
- Promises of Heaven Prayer
- Strength with No End Prayer
- Prayer for Abundant Life
- Prayer for the Fire of the Spirit
- Excellence Prayer
- Restore Trust Prayer
- Comfort Prayer
- Secure Love Prayer
- Guidance Prayer
- Prayer to God My Helper
- Worth in You Prayer
- Prayer for Fidelity
- Prayer for Grace
- Prayer for a Loved One Who Drinks Too Much
- God’s Plans Prayer
- Come to Know You Prayer
- Lift Me out of This Pit Prayer
- Effective Learning Prayer
- Guide My Steps Prayer
- Prayer to Abide in the Vine
- Prayer for Surgery
- Prayer of Praise
- Revive My Soul Prayer
- Perfect Sacrifice Prayer
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Understanding Prayer
- Know God’s Blessing Prayer
- Prayer for True Fellowship
- Wife’s Prayer for Surrender
- God’s Purposes Prayer
- Supply Our Needs Prayer
- Prayer for Peace
- Prayer for Blessing
- Prayer for Revelation
- Prayer to be One in Heart and Soul
- Prayer to the Lover of My Soul
- Healing Prayer
- City on a Hill Prayer
- Protect My Troubled Mind Prayer
- Prayer Regarding Financial Impact
- Strength Prayer
- The Real Story Prayer
- Free From Shame Prayer
- Bless Your Church Prayer
- Prayer for Doctors
- Military and Veterans Prayer
- Prayer of Gratitude for Generous Gifts
- Prayer for an Easy Yoke
- Prayer for Strength
- Fear about the Future Prayer
- Prayer for Language Studies
- Protection Prayer
- Spiritual Maturity Prayer
- Restoration Prayer
- Lead by Example Prayer
- Nailed to the Cross Prayer
- Prayer for Economic Opportunities
- Surrender Prayer
- Promise to Do Better Prayer
- Overcoming Anger Prayer
- Open Up My Eyes Prayer
- Prayers for Successful Surgery
- Mental Healing Prayer
- Knowledge Prayer
- Prayer to Show Mercy
- Do All Things Through Christ Prayer
- Wise Leaders Prayer
- Mend Broken Hearts
- Prayer for His Leadership
- Never-Ending Love Prayer
- Prayers for Mercy from God
- Walk by Faith Prayer
- Secure Promises Prayer
- Avoiding Temptation Prayer
- Prayer for Our Struggles
- Restore My Strength Prayer
- Prayer to Turn Sorrow into Joy
- Prayer for Rebuilding of Marriage
- Willing Heart Prayer
- Prayer for Courage
- Psalm 23 - A Prayer for God to Guide and Guard
- Successful Surgery Prayer
- Prayer for Freedom from the Curse of Alcoholism
- Healing Touch Prayer
- Eternal Rest Prayer
- Prayer for Adjustments
- Prayer to Crush Fear
- Lead Me to the Rock Prayer
- My Prayer against Pain
- Providence Prayer
- Prayer for His Presence
- Bless This Graduate Prayer
- Filled with Faith Prayer
- Purify Me Prayer
- Prayer for Poor Decisions
- Prayer for Healing from Cancer
- Beneath the Shelter of Your Wings Prayer
- Healing Power Prayer
- Bear Fruit Prayer
- Faith in the Unseen God Prayer
- Prayer to Be Christ to One Another
- Prayer for Love
- Unity Prayer
- Prayer for a Renewed Mind
- Prayer for Love
- Prayer of Lifelong Surrender
- Prayer of Gratitude for Guidance
- Job Prayer
- Eternal Perspective Prayer
- Fond Memories
- Prayer Offered in Faith
- Powerful Name Prayer
- Prayer to Break down the Wall
- Overtake My Body Prayer
- God My Rock Prayer
- Victory Prayer
- Remove Satan’s Influence Prayer
- Prayer for a Better Way
- Police Officers’ Prayer
- Pour Out Healing Prayer
- Providence Prayer
- Watch Over Me Prayer
- Prayer for New Beginnings
- Prayer for Following Christ’s Example
- Ever Present Help Prayer
- Prayer for Contacts and References
- Guide His Every Step Prayer
- Love Prayer
- Prayer of Gratitude
- Prosperity Prayer
- May My Eyes Shine Brightly Prayer
- Prayer for Courage to Preach the Truth
- Supernatural Peace Prayer
- Work for God Prayer
- Prayer for Those Ministering to the Sick
- Healing Prayer
- Prayer for Focus on the Eternal
- Opening Prayer to Request Wisdom
- Goodness Prayer
- Prayer to Hold Fast
- Connection Prayer
- Christ’s Body Prayer
- Prayer for a Clean Heart
- Prayer for Our Friendship
- Prayer for a Brighter Future for One with PTSD
- Prayer for Rain
- Prayer for Unity
- Peace Prayer
- Comfort Prayer
- Good Plans Prayer
- Right Path Prayer
- Rest Prayer
- God’s Path for My Life Prayer
- Obedience Prayer
- Strength of Grace in Weakness Prayer
- Praise Prayer
- Open Their Heart Prayer
- Prayer for the Faith of the Imprisoned
- Contentment Prayer
- Prayer for Provision
- Blessing Prayer
- Prayer for Hope
- The Power of Your Gifts Prayer
- Stronghold Prayer
- Courage Prayer
- Protective Arms Prayer
- Prayer to Reflect the Bond between Christ and the Church
- You Are Our Hiding Place Prayer
- Forgiveness Prayer
- Prayer for Safety
- Wedding Prayers and Blessings for Your Special Day
- Thank You Prayer
- Prayer for Comfort
- Prayer for an Addict’s Physical Safety
- Strength Prayer
- Relationship Prayer
- Prayer for Wisdom in Decisions
- Prayer to Support Each Other’s Passions
- Prayer to Glorify God
- Humility Prayer
- Good Grades Prayer
- Supply My Needs Prayer
- Safety Prayer
- Guidance and Peace Prayer
- Prayer to Enhance Skills and Knowledge
- Future Blessings Prayer
- Prayer to Show Respect
- Favor and Blessing Prayer
- Thankful for Intimacy Prayer
- Miracle Working God Prayer
- The Road Less Taken Prayer
- Prayer for Justice
- O God My God
- Psalm 13 - A Prayer for Help
- Prayer for an Exponential Increase
- Prayer for Foster Child
- Prayers for Faith and Guidance
- Student Prayer
- Prayer for Support
- Gratitude Prayer
- Calm Mind Prayer
- Made for a Purpose Prayer
- Bless My Work Prayer
- Guidance Prayer
- Prayer to the God Who Rules Forever
- Name above All Names Prayer
- Make Me an Overcomer Prayer
- Be in Our Midst Prayer
- Rest Prayer
- Soul on Fire Prayer
- God’s Plans Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Atoning Sacrifice Prayer
- Prayer for Spirit of Love
- Rain on Us Prayer
- Prayer for the Resurrection
- Finding Joy Prayer
- Wisdom and Direction Prayer
- Inner Peace Prayer
- Earnest Love Prayer
- Perseverance Prayer
- Prayer to Replace Desire for Alcohol
- Restoration Prayer
- Know the Truth Prayer
- Grace Prayer
- Righteousness Prayer
- Prayer for New Life
- Save Me Prayer
- Increase My Faith Prayer
- Prayer for Spouse to Return
- Prayer for Discernment
- Comfort and Peace Prayer
- Strength in Christ Prayer
- Cover Her with Your Love Prayer
- Be Teachable Prayer
- Peaceful Heart Prayer
- Prayer of Blessing over Parents
- Joy Prayer
- Prayer for Protection of Mind
- Good Shepherd Prayer
- Prayer for Helping the Homeless
- Calm My Distress Prayer
- Patience Prayer
- Prayer for My Children’s Future
- Prayer for Protection of Values
- Mercy Prayer
- Eternal Life Prayer
- Prayer for Strength
- Grace Prayer
- Productivity Prayer
- Flowers of Spring Prayer
- Prayer for Our Heritage and Reward
- Thankful for Family Prayer
- Pray for Humility
- Prayer for My Thoughts
- Husband’s Prayer for Fruitfulness
- Confession Prayer
- Keeping Safe Prayer
- Forgive and Restore Me Prayer
- Prayer for Deliverance
- Prince of Peace Prayer
- Holy Spirit Prayer
- Worship Prayer
- Revive My Spirit Prayer
- Joy Instead of Sorrow Prayer
- Childbirth Prayer
- God’s Purpose Prayer
- Baby Jesus Prayer
- Cover Me Prayer
- Prayer of Shelter
- Church Growth Prayer
- God’s Purposes Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Meet Our Needs Prayer
- Prayer for Peace with God’s Way
- Transformation Prayer
- Goodnight Prayer for a Spouse (Husband)
- Prayer for Renewing the Relationship with One with PTSD
- Restful Sleep Prayer
- Encouragement Prayer
- Prayer for Our Children
- Prayer for Comfort
- Feeling Helpless Prayer
- Prayer for My Lost Soul
- Prayer for Filling a Leadership Vacancy
- Sustaining Power Prayer
- Prayer for Brokenness
- God’s Provision Prayer
- Prayer for Parenting Wisdom
- Remove This Evil Desire Prayer
- Restoration Prayer
- Prayer to Rescue My Husband
- Clear Mind Prayer
- Family Traveling Together Prayer
- Healing Prayer
- Thanksgiving Prayers to Inspire Gratitude
- Firm Foundation Prayer
- Soothing Prayer
- Comfort Us in Our Pain Prayer
- Gratitude Prayer
- Prayer for Restoration
- Why We Celebrate Prayer
- Prayer Against Sexual Temptation
- Prayer for Focus
- Lead Them Out of Darkness Prayer
- Perfect Peace Prayer
- Clear Guidance Prayer
- Hope for Tomorrow Prayer
- People in the World Prayer
- Resurrection Power Prayer
- Prayer for Soul of Child
- Family and Friends Prayer
- Prayer for a Financial Breakthrough Plan
- Prayer to Mend a Sad Heart
- God’s Unchanging Love Prayer
- Weak Faith Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Faithfulness Prayer
- Prayer to Heaven’s Sun
- Give Us Strength Prayer
- Strength for Life Prayer
- Confidence Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Prayer to Understand the Impact of the Spiritual Realms
- Financial Transformation Prayer
- Prayer for Strategic Applications
- Repentance Prayer
- In God’s Hands Prayer
- Prayer for Contentment
- Bonding Time Prayer
- Prayer for Communities of Christ
- Wealth Without Sorrow Prayer
- Divine Health Prayer
- Unconditional Love Prayer
- Closing Prayer of Fortitude
- Faithful Father Prayer
- Financial Prayer
- See Your Glory Prayer
- Purity and Optimism Prayer
- Knowledge Prayer
- Prayer for Rescue
- Prayer for Healing
- Walk In God’s Ways Prayer
- Prayer for Encouragement
- Prayer for a Family’s Reconciliation
- Your Will Prayer
- Wholeness Prayer
- Special Favor Prayer
- Prayer for Deliverance from Evil
- Prayer for a Blessing in a Court Appearance
- Peace Prayer
- Watch Over Me Prayer
- My Groans for Help Prayer
- Spiritual Protection Prayer
- Prayer for Bestowed Happiness on Us
- Prayer to Preserve Through Illness
- Fearless Faith Prayer
- Prayer to Look with Favor
- Closing Prayer of Remembrance
- Prayer for Obedience to Scripture
- Surrounded by God Prayer
- Prayer for Wisdom and Humility
- More Than a Conqueror Prayer
- Secure Love Prayer
- Build Your Church Prayer
- Prayer for Laborers
- Prayer for God’s Timing
- An Inmate’s Prayer for Emotional Strength
- Prayer for Navigating Through the Next Steps
- Prayer for Sustaining
- Blessing Prayer
- Bless the Hands That Prepared Prayer
- A Prayer for the Family of a Friend Who Is in Strife
- Prayer for Faithfulness
- Prayer for Jesus to Hear Us
- Gift of Sleep Prayer
- Dining Out Prayer
- Courage Prayer
- Prayer for the Joy of the Imprisoned
- Sovereign King Prayer
- Gifts for the Body Prayer
- Guidance Prayer
- Compassion Prayer
- Prayer for Fervent Love
- New Life Prayer
- Prayers for the Nation and its Leaders
- A Harvest of Generosity Prayer
- Unbelief Prayer
- The Peace That Surpasses All Understanding Prayer
- Prayer for Unwavering Trust
- Slow to Anger Prayer
- Prayer for Discovery
- Making More Time for You Prayer
- Speedily Recovery Prayer
- Love Prayer
- Teacher’s Prayer
- God’s Power Prayer
- Decision-Making Prayer
- Prayer to Give Freedom
- Prayer to Drive Out Infirmity
- Prayer for Spirit-filled Parenting
- Future Prayer
- Lead Me Away Prayer
- Prayers for Breaking Soul Ties
- Blessing Prayer
- Prayer for an Addict’s Daily Provision
- Prayer to Relieve Distress
- Gift of Food Prayer
- Clear Mind Prayer
- Healing Prayer
- Power in Jesus’ Name Prayer
- Temptation Prayer
- Prayers for Addicted Loved Ones
- Guide My Steps Prayer
- Love Prayer
- Traveling Mercies Prayer
- Provision Prayer
- Prayer for a Family’s Provision of Food
- Healing Prayer
- Understanding Prayer
- Comfort Prayer
- Prayer for Strength
- Prayer to Each Do Our Part
- Temptation Prayer
- Open Our Eyes Prayer
- Name Above All Names Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Fullness of Life Prayer
- Gratitude to My Sister Prayer
- Tears in a Bottle Prayer
- Prayer for a Calm Mind
- Your Presence Prayer
- Prayer for Our Work to Flourish
- No Divisions Prayer
- Prayer for Courage
- Guard My Heart Prayer
- Prayer of Thanksgiving for Shelter
- Joyful Prayer
- Prayer for Training
- The One Who Never Changes Prayer
- Faith Prayer
- Parents and Children Prayer
- God’s Power Prayer
- Medical Care Prayer
- Protection of My Life during Sickness Prayer
- Interests of Others Prayer
- Freedom Prayer
- God’s Love Prayer
- Prayers for Overcoming Obstacles
- Power to Stay Clean Prayer
- Use My Gifts Prayer
- Prayer Against My Goliath
- Wisdom and Understanding Prayer
- Show Me Your Ways Prayer
- Powerful Healing Declarations for You
- Future Spouse Prayer
- Bible-inspired Prayer for Strength
- Protection against Accidents Prayer
- Prayer to Be Equipped
- Restoration Prayer
- Prepare My Journey Prayer
- Prayer to Prevail over Evil
- Calmness Prayer
- Prayer to Build Each Other Up
- Strength Prayer
- Prayer for a Prodigal Son
- Joyful Church Prayer
- Prayer to the Great “I AM”
- Prayer for a Financial Intervention
- Make Me a Helper Prayer
- When Feeling Uncertain about Your Decision Prayer
- Your Presence Prayer
- Guidance and Direction Prayer
- Prayer for Energy Tomorrow
- Leadership Prayer
- Prayer for Grandmother
- Anxiety Prayer
- Confidence Prayer
- Prayer for a Reunion
- Lifelong Guidance Prayer
- Prayer for Protection
- Healing Prayer
- Prayer for a Child
- Purification Prayer
- Prayer for Awareness of God’s Presence
- Endurance when Tired Prayer
- Prayer to Champion Holiness and Truth
- Abundant Life Prayer
- Recovery Prayer
- Lamp for My Feet Prayer
- Conviction Prayer
- Your Will, Not Mine Prayer
- Prayer for Financial Assistance
- My Prayer for Strength and Healing
- Prayer for Increase in Intimacy with God
- Conviction Prayer
- Draw Near Prayer
- Tangible Representation Prayer
- Abundance Prayer
- Purpose Prayer
- God of the Nations Prayer
- Gifted Women Prayer
- Prayer to Remain in God’s Love
- Prayer for Bold Strength
- Prayer for Delivery
- Strength to Handle Pressure Prayer
- Psalm 35 - A Prayer for Help
- Safe Travels Prayer
- Prayer for God to Hide Them
- Gather Together Prayer
- Successful Paths Prayer
- Restore My Health Prayer
- No More Tears Prayer
- Prayer for Healing
- Academic Excellence Prayer
- An Inmate’s Prayer to Prevent Relapse
- Confidence Prayer
- Discernment Prayer
- Those Who Prepared Prayer
- Freedom Prayer
- Enter with Thanksgiving Prayer
- God’s Plans Prayer
- Prayers for Special Favours
- Prayer Points for Divine Protection
- Calm My Mind Prayer
- Save Me Prayer
- Weathering the Days Prayer
- Lift My Thinking Prayer
- Wise Stewardship Prayer
- Prayer for Knowledge
- A Prayer When Misunderstood
- Prayer for Patience
- Prayer for Direction
- Essential Prayers for Protection
- All-Things-Possible Prayer
- God of All Peace Prayer
- Glorious Light Prayer
- Prayer for Love Between Us
- Prayer for Transformation
- Intercede for Her Prayer
- Forgiveness Prayer
- Hard Year Prayer
- Prayer for Healing a Child
- Prayer to Bring My Son to His Senses
- Blessing Prayer
- Light of the World Prayer
- Meaningful Discussions Prayer
- Joy Prayer
- Prayer for the Children
- Prayer for a Firm Foundation
- Supernatural Favor of God Prayer
- Prayer for Wisdom in Making Changes
- Secure My Finances Prayer
- Protect Me Prayer
- Guide Me Prayer
- A Prayer for a Friend’s Safety
- Baby Lamb Prayer
- Endurance Prayer
- Powerful Christian Prayer for Inner Strength
- Refuge Prayer
- New Mercies Prayer
- Strengthen Me Prayer
- A Prayer When There Is a Difficult Relationship
- Refuge Prayer
- Prayer for Son Who Has Abandoned His Faith
- Peace Prayer
- Prayer for Sisterhood
- Unity Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- No Condemnation Prayer
- Prayer for Mental Health
- Prayer for Peace
- Comfort Prayer
- Give Us Power Prayer
- Your Will Prayer
- Prayer for Trust
- Ease My Pain Prayer
- Contentment Prayer
- Light of the World Prayer
- A Prayer When Saying Goodbye
- Supply My Needs Prayer
- Prayer for the Warfare
- Make Us Great Prayer
- Breaking the Curse of Rejection Prayer
- Victorious Favor Prayer
- Prayer for Our Work Day
- Temptation Prayer
- Financial Blessing Prayer
- Worship Prayer
- Your Will for My Spouse Prayer
- Peace on Earth Prayer
- Prayer for Pain
- Refuge Prayer
- Prayer for Peace
- Restoration and Healing Prayer
- Prayer for Calm and Courage
- Prayer to Praise God Even Through Suffering
- Uplifting Prayers for Sad Hearts
- Prayer for Guidance
- Forgiveness Prayer
- New Creation Prayer
- A Prayer in Sporting Failure
- Thank You Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Negative Thinking Prayer
- Fill My Soul Prayer
- Peace of Mind Prayer
- Prayer for Love
- God Is with Me Prayer
- Healing from Anxiety Prayer
- Prayer to the Lamb
- Beloved Child Prayer
- Make Me a Fighter Prayer
- Conflict Resolution Prayer
- Stretch Your Healing Hand
- Peace Prayer
- Deflect These Arrows Prayer
- Endurance Prayer
- A Breakthrough at Work Tomorrow Prayer
- Prayer of Forgiveness
- Healing from the Past Prayer
- Guard the Minds of Those Who Are Dying Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Prayer to a Sympathetic Savior
- Trust in God Prayer
- Health Prayer
- Prayer for Encouraging Prayers
- Declare Who You Are in Jesus Christ
- Peace Prayer
- Recovery Prayer
- Health Prayer
- Prayers You Can Use in Every Circumstance
- Admiration and Love Prayer
- Be Present Prayer
- Strength Prayer
- Prayer for the Crowd
- Prayer for Help to Love
- Prayer for Guidance
- Guiding Light Prayer
- Prayer for Peace
- Prayer for Peaceful Habitation
- Prayer for Overcoming Hurdles
- Heal the Sick Prayer
- Safety Prayer
- Lift Me Up Prayer
- Comfort Prayer
- Strength for the Weary Prayer
- A Prayer for a Friend’s Spiritual Health
- Endure Suffering Prayer
- Renewed Strength Prayer
- Spiritual Breakthrough Prayer
- Prayer for a Family’s Healing
- Prayer to Banish Anxiety
- Prayer for Trust
- Teach Me to Do Your Will Prayer
- The Manger Prayer
- Uncomplicated Pregnancy Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Prayer to Keep Our Eyes on Our Champion
- Prayer for Blessings
- Give Me Strength Prayer
- Divine Love Prayer
- Prayer to the One Who Joins Us
- Prayer to Bring to Everlasting Life
- Help Prayer
- Lead Me Prayer
- Unbelief Prayer
- Generosity Prayer
- Abundant Blessings Prayer
- Healing Prayer
- Prayer for Covering
- Prayer for Health
- Godly Wisdom Prayer
- Prayer Regarding Intervention
- Forgive Me Prayer
- Freedom Prayer
- Goodnight Prayer for Children
- Life-long Disease Prayer
- Freedom Prayer
- Greater Is He in Me Prayer
- Prayers for Joy
- Righteousness Prayer
- Seek You Prayer
- Prayer for Friend
- Guard Me Prayer
- All Conquering Strength Prayer
- Restful Sleep Prayer
- Give Me Rest Prayer
- Prayer of Thankfulness
- Instruction and Insight Prayer
- Thank You Prayer
- Comforting Words Prayer
- Temptation Prayer
- Coat of Jesus’s Blood Prayer
- Prayer to Sustain the One Who Is Sick
- Peaceful Trip Prayer
- Prayer for Breakthrough with Investments
- Prayers for Moving On and Letting Go
- Prayer for My Unbelief
- Prayer to Move On
- Prayer that the Sick Will Hope in God
- Bless Our Veterans Prayer
- Prayer for the Provision of the Imprisoned
- Prayer for Known and Unknown Facebook Friends
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Prayer for a Family’s Finances
- Abundance Prayer
- Take Control Prayer
- Prayer for Freedom from the Curse of Drug Addiction
- Mealtime Prayer
- Patience Prayer
- Prayer for Significant Financial Progress
- Fruitful Work Prayer
- Face to Face with God Prayer
- Agreements and Vows Prayer
- Prayer to Turn Sickness into Strength
- Grace Prayer
- Do Great Things for You Prayer
- Prayer While Waiting
- Protection Prayer
- Prayer to Repair Issues Leading to Infidelity
- Continuous Strength Prayer
- Peaceful Journey Prayer
- Conquering Prayer
- Prayer for Understanding Between Us
- Lifetime Blessings Prayer
- Powerful Prayer for Breakthrough in Life
- Passion Prayer
- Restful Sleep Prayer
- Patience Prayer
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Give Me Your Eyes Prayer
- Prayer for Open Arms
- God’s House Prayer
- Strength to Overcome Prayer
- Calm Mind Prayer
- Prayer for Dramatic Improvement
- Trust in God Prayer
- Show Me the Way Out Prayer
- Prayer for Gospel Clarity
- Prayer for Health of Body and Soul
- God’s Blessings Prayer
- Christ Who Strengthens Me Prayer
- Establish the Work of My Hands Prayer
- Prayer for Joy
- Prayer Against Obstacles
- Endurance Prayer
- Healing and Wholeness Prayer
- Grace Alone Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Calmness Prayer
- Gift of Eternal Life Prayer
- Set Me Free Prayer
- Compassionate Presence Prayer
- Hope Prayer
- Plane Travel Prayer
- Know the Truth Prayer
- Financial Miracle Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Prayer for Strength
- Courage and Wisdom Prayer
- A Prayer for a Friend’s Marriage
- Good Before Meals & Dinner Prayers
- Walk with Me Prayer
- Wisdom Prayer
- Service Prayer
- Beloved Daughters Prayer
- Unlimited Compassion Prayer
- Prayer for Rooms in Heaven
- Renew My Strength Prayer
- Prayer Points for Healing in Every Area of Life
- Names of Jesus Prayer
- Capable Hands Prayer
- Prayer for Discernment
- Prayer to the Fountain of Love
- Praying for Light
- A Prayer in Times of Joblessness
- Overcoming Obstacles Prayer
- Prayer of Love
- Weak Faith Prayer
- Prayer for People Hurting from Racism
- Faith in Jesus Prayer
- Overcoming Conflicts Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Prayer to the One who Rules the Wind
- Prayer for the Holy Spirit’s Help
- Prayer for Strength During Persecution
- Compassion Prayer
- Confidence Prayer
- Closing Prayer of Joy
- Prayer for Breakthrough
- Strength for Today Prayer
- Strength for the Weary Prayer
- Prayer for All Children
- Giving Birth Prayer
- Prayer for Obedience
- Strength for the Weary Prayer
- Asleep Physically but Awake Spiritually Prayer
- Guide Me Prayer
- Prayer against Peer Pressure
- Prayer for Comfort and Relief
- Rest Prayer
- Supply All Needs Prayer
- Prayer for Happiness
- Protection Prayer
- Wisdom and Guidance Prayer
- Full Strength Prayer
- Trust in God Prayer
- Give Me Strength Prayer
- Baptism Blessing Prayer
- Wonderful Journeys Prayer
- Draw Near Prayer
- Endless Grace Prayer
- Still Our Hearts Prayer
- Prayer for Spiritual Guidance in Unexpected Suffering
- Spiritual Attack Prayer
- Prayer for Reputation
- Peace and Rest Prayer
- Strength for the Weary Prayer
- Prayer of Confession
- Prayer for the Team
- Forgiveness Prayer
- Prayer to the Good Shepherd
- First Steps Prayer
- Prayer to See the Big Picture
- God of Love Prayer
- Prayer for Financial Healing
- Draw Them Out Prayer
- Prayer for a Breakthrough in Discipline
- Guidance Prayer
- Freedom from Enslavement Prayer
- Prayer for a Family’s Faith
- Prayer for Help with Stress
- Remove My Fear Prayer
- Prayer Against Fear
- Prayer for Respect
- Death Defeated Prayer
- Eternal Perspective Prayer
- Prayer About Love
- Good Plans Prayer
- Prayer for Preparation
- Prayer for Grandchildren
- Prayers for Job Seekers
- Godly Path Prayer
- Clothe Me in Stillness Prayer
- Psalm 140 - A Prayer for Protection
- Prayer for God’s Deputies to Prophesize
- Prayer for Parenthood
- Loved One’s Prayer
- Calm My Fears Prayer
- Rest Prayer
- Relationship Restoration Prayer
- Prayer to the Bread of Life
- Prayer for Advancement in Finances
- Know and Love You Prayer
- Prayer of Thanksgiving for Daily Bread
- Prayer for Building Relationship
- Prayer for Eternal Rest
- Prayer for Conduct
- Covenants and Agreements Prayer
- Happiness in the Small Things Prayer
- Business Prayer
- Faith Will Rise Prayer
- Prayer for Closeness
- Strengthen Your Church Prayer
- Increase My Faith Prayer
- Renew My Strength Prayer
- Mustard Seed Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Prayer for Self-Control
- Prayer for Wise Relationships
- Protection Prayer
- Take the Pain Away Prayer
- Prayer for Mercy
- Beauty for Ashes Prayer
- God’s Will for Decisions Prayer
- Mercy Prayer
- Provision Prayer
- Prayer for the Valley
- Eat with Joyful Hearts Prayer
- Protection through the Night Prayer
- Prayer for My Children’s Future Love
- Miracle Prayer
- Discernment Prayer
- Breaking the Curse of Premature Death Prayer
- Prayer for a Listening Spirit
- Calmness Prayer
- A Prayer for Help in Forgiving a Friend
- Prayer for Doctors and Nurses
- Financial Provision Prayer
- Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom
- Military Service Prayer
- God’s Blessings Prayer
- Overcome Resentment Prayer
- Sustaining Strength Prayer
- Single Mother Prayer
- Prayer to Lord of Hosts
- Prayer for an Addict’s Strength to Resist Temptations
- Supply My Needs Prayer
- Give Me Rest Prayer
- Prayer for a Family’s Living Situation
- Encouragement Prayer
- Arise and Shine Prayer
- Prayer for Restoration of a Faithful Union
- Prayer for Personal Development
- Prayer for Saving a Life in Peril
- Compassionate God Prayer
- Filled with Love Prayer
- Prayer for One Another
- Open Doors Prayer
- Relationship Restoration Prayer
- Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Protection
- Worship Together Prayer
- A Prayer to Remind Me
- Prayer for Prosperous Health
- Relationship Conflict Prayer
- Job Seeker’s Prayer
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Prayer of Thanks for Blessings
- Filled with Strength Prayer
- Prayer for Confidence
- Courage Prayer
- Bless My Studies Prayer
- Safety Prayer
- Job Opportunity Prayer
- Grace for Every Decision I Make Prayer
- Prayer for Discernment of Where the Enemy Attacks
- Forgiveness Prayer
- Mercy Prayer
- Hope Prayer
- Prayer for Renewed Energy in the Battle
- Breaking the Curse of Sinful Patterns Prayer
- Prayer for Wisdom
- Prayer for Spiritual Life
- Empower Our Prayer Warriors
- Worthy Prayer
- Refreshing Sleep Prayer
- Prayer for Death’s Defeat
- Concentration Prayer
- Prayer of Sorrow and Thanksgiving
- Peace Prayer
- A Prayer in Times of Unexpected Financial Troubles
- Comforting Presence Prayer
- Speak Joy Prayer
- Break the Power of This Storm Prayer
- God’s Plan Prayer
- Mother’s Fruit of the Womb Prayer
- Prayer to Shepherd the Sheep
- Thanksgiving Prayer
- Rescue Prayer
- Humility Prayer
- Have Mercy Prayer
- Prayer for Divine Favor of God
- Healing Touch Prayer
- Walk by Faith Prayer
- Great Strength Prayer
- Deliver Me Prayer
- Break Off Wrong Relationships Prayer
- Prayer for Healing
- Pardon My Sin Prayer
- Prayer for Help through Injury
- Healing Power Prayer
- Prayer to Grasp the Power of God
- Strength Prayer
- Deal With His Heart Prayer
- Prayer for Strength
- Prayer for His Relationship
- Prayer to Mend Our Marriage
- Watch Over Me Prayer
- Prayer for Beauty
- Acceptance Prayer
- Redeem Me Prayer
- Successful Operation Prayer
- Prayer to Proclaim the Message of the Cross
- A Prayer after Rejection
- Providence Prayer
- Grace Prayer
- Prayer for Dreams and Visions
- Go Before Us Prayer
- Comfort Prayer
- Restore My Strength Prayer
- Taking New Steps Prayer
- A Prayer in Poor Health
- Wise Teaching Prayer
- Light My Path Prayer
- Prayer for the Oppressed
- Fellowship During Mealtime Prayer
- Prayer for Focus
- Prayer for Love
- Empower Us to do Your Works Prayer
- Keep My Mind Clear Prayer
- Eyes of Christ During Errands Prayer
- Joyful Prayer
- Strengthen Me Prayer
- Fear of You Prayer
- Stronghold Prayer
- Uncertainties Prayer
- Fan Our Gifts into Flame Prayer
- Prayer for Physical Strength at Work
- Prayer for Compassion
- Redemption and Mercy Prayer
- Prayer of Gratitude for Healing
- Bless Us Prayer
- Prayer for Couple’s Loss
- Car Travel Prayer
- Calm the Storm to a Whisper Prayer
- Complete in Christ Prayer
- Family Mealtime Prayer
- Prayer of Promise of Heaven for My Child
- Prayer for Discipleship
- Surrender Prayer
- Strengthen Our Military Prayer
- Prayer to Do a Work in My Son’s Life
- Prayer to Take Authority over the Adversary
- Prayer for an Addict’s Freedom
- Power of the Spirit Prayer
- Use My Gifts Prayer
- Prayer for Help
- Prayer for Leadership
- Watch Over Me Prayer
- Blessing Prayer
- Prayer for Breakthrough
- Renew My Mind Prayer
- Meet My Needs Prayer
- Songs of Gladness Prayer
- Prayer for Mental Healing
- Free from Resentment Prayer
- Prayer for Church to be All God Would Have It to Be
- Thanksgiving Prayer
- Prayer to Receive Child into Heaven
- Touch My Eyes Prayer
- Divine Love Poured Out Prayer
- Remove My Fear Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Prayer for a Task Unfinished
- A Banner of Victory Prayer
- Transform My Mind Prayer
- Loved Ones Who Are Traveling Prayer
- Prayer for a Visitation
- Prayer for an Addict’s Redemption
- Overcoming Sorrow Prayer
- Build Our Home Prayer
- Prayer of Hope
- New Job Prayer
- Gratitude Prayer
- Beloved Children Prayer
- Hear My Cry Prayer
- Endurance Prayer
- God’s Presence Prayer
- Establish Our Plans Prayer
- Strength beyond Measure Prayer
- Prayer to the God of the Possible
- Prayer to Conquer My Temptation for Pornography
- Marriage Prayer
- Prayer to the Overcomer
- Restore My Eyesight Prayer
- Protection and Guidance Prayer
- Protection Prayer
- Fruit of The Spirit Prayer
- Care Prayer
- Transformation Prayer
- Bedtime Prayer
- I Will Lack No Good Thing Prayer
- Your Presence Prayer
- Prayer for Deep Sleep
- Forgive My Transgressions Prayer
- Guide My Doctors Prayer
- Depend on God Prayer
- Prayer to Develop Healthy Expectations
- Come to My Aid Prayer
- Holy Spirit Blessing Prayer
- Grant Me Peace Prayer
- Give Me Grace Prayer
- God’s Good Purposes Prayer
- Mental Toughness at the Gym Prayer
- Prayer for Calm
- Prayer to Focus on the Future
- Uproot Jealousy Prayer
- Protect My Thoughts Prayer
- Interceding for the Intercessors
- Inhabit Our Praise Prayer
- New Opportunities Prayer
- Grant the Lost Repentance Prayer
- Endurance Prayer
- Prayer of Gratitude for God’s Forgiveness
- Uphold Me Prayer
- Prayer for a Son with Addictions
- Prayer for Health
- Forgiveness and Comfort Prayer
- God’s Plans Prayer
- Prayer for Wisdom
- Creator God Prayer
- Overcoming Fear and Anxiety Prayer
- Prayer to Break the Chains of Debt
- Prayer for Trust
- Calmness Prayer
- Time Management Prayer
- God’s Word Prayer
- Prayer for Freedom from the Curse of Sexual Immorality
- Fill My Mind Prayer
- Prayer to be Unshakable and Unstoppable
- Psalm 36 - Finding Refuge from Human Wickedness
- Change Prayer
- Overwhelming Victory Prayer
- Perfect Rest Prayer
- Prayer for Encouragement
- Love Prayer
- New Mercies Prayer
- Prayer for Humility
- Guide My Life Prayer
- Write Your Words on My Heart Prayer
- Prayer for Preservation of Goodness
- Prayer for God’s Refuge
- Declarations to Destroy All Negative Pronouncements
- Draw Near Prayer
- Death Has No Dominion Prayer
- Filled with Faith Prayer
- Strengthen My Faith Prayer
- Feeling Helpless Prayer
- Discernment Prayer
- Prayer to Recognize the Devil’s Deception
- Supply My Needs Prayer
- Prayer for Perseverance to Never Cease Pleading
- Wife’s Prayer for God’s Marvelous Works
- Forgiveness Prayer
- Overwhelmed Prayer
- Prayer of Thanks for the Game
- Prayer for Positive Development in Prosperity
- Life Together Prayer
- A Prayer in Times of Loneliness
- An Inmate’s Prayer for Finding Gainful Employment
- Decorated for Jesus Prayer
- Blood of Jesus Prayer
- Lift Me Up Prayer
- Prayers for Relationship Restoration
- Prayers for Hopeless Situations
- Cover My Family Prayer
- Prayer to Strengthen in Path to Recovery
- Prayer of Thanksgiving for Abundant Food
- Trust in God Prayer
- Prayer to be Filled with All the Fullness of God
- All Things Are Possible Prayer
- Firm Foundation Prayer
- Renewed Strength Prayer
- I Delight in You Prayer
- Healing Prayer of Command
- Stand Firm Prayer
- Prayer to Bless What We Eat and Drink
- Thankful for Provision Prayer
- Appreciation Prayer
- Hiding Place Prayer
- Psalm 28 - A Prayer for Help from God
- Prayer for Favor and Grace
- Prayer for Church to be a Witness
- Peace That Surpasses Understanding Prayer
- Peace Prayer
- Protect My Unborn Child Prayer
- All-Conquering Power Prayer
- Prayer to Provide Prayer Partners
- Unity Prayer
- Remove My Fear Prayer
- Restore My Strength Prayer
- Prayer for Freedom
- Business Prayer
- Uplifting Prayers for Singles Who Want to be Married
- Trust in You Prayer
- Redeemed from the Curse Prayer
- Walk In Your Ways Prayer
- Reconciliation Prayer
- Love for Others Prayer
- Financial Breakthrough Prayer
- Prayers for Alcoholic Husbands
- Prayer for God’s Child
- Prayer for Power
- Church Leadership Prayer
- Supply My Needs Prayer
- Name above All Names Prayer
- God’s Mighty Hand Prayer
- Strength Prayer
- Blessings of Courage Prayer
- Ever-Present Help Prayer
- Confession Prayer
- Prayer for Peace
- Prayer for the Suffering
- Prayer for Health
- Sustaining Power Prayer
- Guide My Speech Prayer
- Psalm 91 Prayer
- Prayer of Eternal Light
- Prosperity Prayer
- Emotional Health Prayer
- Freedom Prayer
- Your Touch Prayer
- Dealing with Failure Prayer
- Wrap Me in Your Hands Prayer
- Prayer for God’s Light Within Us
- Peace of Mind Prayer
- Thankfulness Prayer
- Delight my Heart Prayer
- Prayer of Forgiveness
- Prayer for the Persecuted
- Healing Prayer
- Desires of the Heart Prayer
- Financial Prayer
- Healing Prayer
- Hold Me Tight Prayer
- Prayer for Healing
- Opening Prayer of Salvation
- Prayer for Building Resume
- Prayer Regarding Career Path
- Prayer for a Loving Attitude
- Prayer for Choices: Seeking God's Guidance
- Keep Me Brave Prayer
- Mend Our Hearts Prayer: Finding Restoration in God's Love
- Prayer for Trust: Resting in God's Faithfulness
- Prayer for Mental Clarity: Finding Peace in God's Guidance
- Supernatural Comfort Prayer: Finding Solace in God's Arms
- Prosper in Health Prayer: Trusting in God's Plan
- Peace and Restoration Prayer: Finding Serenity in Christ
- Prayer for Godly Love: Embracing Unconditional Love
- Wisdom Prayer: Seeking God's Guidance
- Prayer for Christian Prisoners: Finding Hope in Darkness
- Prayer for Mindfulness: Compassion and Kindness
- Prayer for Provision: Trusting in God's Abundance
- Unrelenting Love Prayer
- Prayer for Learning: Seeking Wisdom in God's Word
- Walk in Your Light Prayer: Guided by His Word
- Prayer for Strength: Finding Renewed Vigor in Christ
- Prayer for Heavenly Provision: Trusting in God's Abundance
- Prayer for Provision: Trusting in God's Abundance
- Depths of Mercy Prayer: Embracing God's Boundless Compassion
- Prayer for Unity Among God's People
- Prayer for an Addict’s Protection from Bad Influences
- Prayer for Boldness in God’s Work
- Renunciation Prayer: Surrendering to God's Will
- Prayer for Nations Divided from Racism
- Prayer for Reaching Out: Sharing God's Love
- Prayer for Hope: The Light in our Darkest Hours
- King of Kings Prayer: Surrendering to the Reign of Christ
- Strength in Weakness Prayer: Finding Power in Christ's Grace
- Prayer for a Sanctified Congregation: Seeking God's Holiness
- Prayer for Successful Plans: Trusting in God's Guidance
- Prayer for Deliverance from Bitterness: Finding Forgiveness and Freedom
- Comfort in Trouble Prayer: Finding Peace in God's Presence
- Prayer to Overcome a Financial Power Struggle
- Surrender Prayer: Trusting in God's Plan
- Prayer for Perseverance: Trusting in God's Plan
- Prayer for Life Verse: Finding Purpose and Direction
- Help Me Grow Prayer: Nurturing Spiritual Growth
- Deliver Me Quickly Prayer: Seeking God's Swift Intervention
- Prayer for Blessing and Favor: Seeking God's Abundant Grace
- I Am Worthy Prayer: Embracing Our Identity in Christ
- Faithful Prayers for Graduates
- Protection Prayer: Finding Refuge in God's Shelter
- Prayer for Faithfulness: Trusting God's Guidance
- Prayer for Increasing Wisdom: Seeking Divine Guidance
- Lift My Soul Prayer: Finding Peace in God's Presence
- Prayer for Freedom from Troubles: Finding Peace in Christ
- A Prayer When Wrestling with Guilt
- Fulfillment Prayer: Finding True Satisfaction in Christ
- Abide in You Prayer: Finding Peace and Strength in God's Presence
- Crush My Fear Prayer: Finding Courage in Christ
- Perseverance Prayer: Holding Fast to Faith
- Psalm 31 - A Prayer of Trust in God
- Perfect Eyesight Prayer: Trusting in God's Healing Grace
- Prayer for Divine Direction: Trusting God's Guidance
- Overwhelm Me Prayer: Finding Peace in God's Presence
- Help Me Forgive Prayer: Embracing Forgiveness Through Christ
- Prayer for Mercy: Seeking God's Compassion
- Safe in God’s Arms Prayer
- More Than a Conqueror Prayer: Embracing Victory in Christ
- Prayer for Wisdom: Seeking God's Guidance
- Prayer for Victory: Triumph Through Faith
- Powerful Presence Prayer
- God’s Unchanging Love Prayer
- Prayer for Loneliness: Finding Comfort in God's Presence
- Prayer for Help: Finding Strength in God's Grace
- Prayer for Courage: Finding Strength in Christ
- Patience Prayer: Trusting in God's Perfect Timing
- Faithfulness Prayer: Trusting in God's Unfailing Love
- Prayer for Making Good Choices: Guided by God's Wisdom
- Prayer for Sustaining: Finding Strength in God's Word
- A Mother’s Cry to God: Finding Strength in Desperation
- Prayer for Blessings: Abundant Grace and Favor
- Prayer for Breakthrough in Life: Trusting God's Guidance
- Prayer Acknowledging Need for Help: Trusting in God's Guidance
- Trust the Lord Prayer: Finding Strength in Faith
- Filled with Faith Prayer
- Personal Protection Prayer: Trusting in God's Shield
- Prayer for Memories: Finding Peace in Remembering
- A Slave of God Not Money Prayer
- A Prayer When Lacking Confidence with Personal Appearance
- Prayer to Understand God’s Love
- Be with Us Prayer: Finding Comfort in God's Presence
- Grace Prayer: Embracing God's Unmerited Favor
- Walk in Your Light Prayer: Embracing God's Guidance
- Prayer for Holy Spirit Power: Empowering Our Lives
- Prayer for a Pure Mind: Seeking God's Guidance
- Prayer for Comfort: Finding Peace in God's Embrace
- Reinforce Your Love Prayer
- Prayer for Motivation in Study: Seeking Wisdom and Diligence
- Prayer for Guidance: Seeking God's Wisdom
- Prayer for Courage: Trusting in God's Strength
- Open My Eyes Prayer: Seeking Spiritual Insight
- Prayer for Spiritual Wholeness: Finding Fulfillment in Christ
- Prayer for Husband to Bear Fruit: Trusting in God's Plan
- Prayer for Wise Foundation
- Following God’s Plan: Seeking Divine Direction
- Healing Light Prayer: Radiance of Divine Intervention
- Prayer in the Hour of My Death
- A Prayer When Discouraged in Parenting
- Prayer for a Blessing: Seeking Divine Favor
- Friendship Prayer: The Love of a True Friend
- Rock Solid Future Marriage Prayer
- Gratitude Prayer: The Heartfelt Acknowledgment of God's Blessings
- Miracles of Spring Prayer
- Declarations for Favor and Prosperity
- Erasing Worries Prayer: The Peace of God Which Transcends All Understanding
- Lamb of God: The Sacrifice that Takes Away Sin
- Prayer for Purity: Seeking a Clean Heart and Renewed Spirit
- Joyful Leadership Prayer
- Prayer for Protection: The Shelter of the Most High
- Deliverance Prayer: Liberation Through Divine Intervention
- Safety Prayer: Trust in God's Protective Embrace
- Prayer for Protection: Under God's Sheltering Wings
- Prayers for a New Job Opportunity
- Support Our Children Prayer: Nurturing the Young in Christ's Love
- Blessed Beyond Measure: Recognizing God's Abundance in Our Lives
- Rescue Prayer: Deliverance through Divine Intervention
- Prayer for Protection: The Lord is Our Refuge
- Prayer for Rest: Finding Peace in His Presence
- Prayer for Embracing His Yoke: Finding Ease in God’s Guidance
- Give Me Rest Prayer: Finding Peace in the Midst of Turmoil
- Prayer for Strength: Drawing from the Source of All Power
- Prayer for Restful Sleep
- Calm My Mind Prayer: Finding Serenity in God's Presence
- Hear God’s Voice: Discerning the Whisper of the Divine
- Prayer to Accomplish God’s Work
- Bedtime Prayer: Finding Rest in God's Embrace
- Overflowing Blessings Prayer
- Blessings Prayer: Seeking Abundant Grace and Favor
- Prayer for Money to Pay Bills: Trusting God's Provision
- Guide Our Police Prayer
- Peace of Mind Prayer: Finding Serenity in Christ's Embrace
- Prayer to Know I Am Worthy
- Bless This Springtime Prayer: Celebrating Renewal and New Beginnings
- Prayer Against Violence and War
- Empower Me Prayer: Drawing Strength from the Divine
- Prayer to Reestablish Our Relationship: Drawing Near to the Heart of the Savior
- Prayer to Focus on the Almighty: Embracing God's Eternal Presence
- Blessed Birth Prayer: Embracing the Gift of New Life
- Challenging Times Prayer: Strength in Adversity
- Prayer for Many-sided Strength: Seeking Wholeness in God's Embrace
- Lead the Church: A Call to Divine Guidance
- Pursuit of Peace Prayer: Seeking Divine Tranquility in Turbulent Times
- Thank You for Salvation Prayer
- Prayer to Establish in Perfect Health
- Your Presence Prayer: Finding Comfort and Strength in God's Embrace
- Love Prayer: Embracing Christ's Unfailing Love
- Prayer for Consistent Improvement: Growing Each Day in Christ
- Go in Peace Prayer: Embracing the Peace of Christ
- Prayer for a Shield: Seeking Protection Through Divine Presence
- Direct My Steps: Guidance Through God's Will
- Prayer for Freedom from the Curse of Abuse
- Your Presence Prayer: Seeking God's Presence in Times of Need
- Remind Me I Am Needed Prayer
- Better Future Prayer: Hope in Christ's Promises
- Power for Holiness: The Call to Live Righteously
- Prosperity Prayer: Seeking Abundance through Divine Guidance
- Fill My Heart Prayer: Seeking God’s Presence and Love
- Prayer for Wise Counsel: Seeking Divine Wisdom and Understanding
- Beginning a New Journey: Entrusting Our Steps to the Lord
- Healing Power Prayer: Embracing the Grace of Redemption
- Prayer for the Impossible: Trusting God’s Infinite Possibilities
- Watch Over Me Prayer: God's Protective Embrace
- Prosperity and Success Prayer: Trusting in God's Abundance
- Giving Back Prayer: Expressing Gratitude through Generosity
- Newness of Heart: Embracing a Heart Like Christ
- Prayer for God’s Blessing: Drawing from the Wellsprings of Divine Favor
- Prayer to Restore to Emotional Health
- Health Prayer: Seeking Wholeness in Body, Mind, and Spirit
- Defeat Worry Prayer: Resting in the Lord's Assurance
- The Goodness of God Prayer
- Spirit and Truth Prayer: Communing with God Authentically
- Light in Darkness Prayer: Finding Hope When All Seems Lost
- Family Prayer: Unity, Love, and Christ at the Center
- Prayer for Overcoming Hindrances: The Power of Perseverance and Faith
- Right Counselors Prayer: Seeking Divine Guidance in Our Relationships
- God Will Supply Prayer: Trusting in Divine Provision
- Prayer to Forgive My Doubt
- Inhabit Our Praises Prayer
- Prayer to Overcome Tactics of Darkness
- Comfort and Contentment Prayer: Finding Rest in God's Embrace
- Give Me Strength Prayer: Drawing Power from the Divine
- Baptism Prayer: Entering the Kingdom of Light
- Prayer for Courage: Standing Boldly in Faith
- Favor Prayer: The Divine Bestowal of Grace and Blessing
- Prayer to Defend from Disease
- Psalm 51 - A Prayer for Forgiveness
- Prayer for Guidance: Wisdom, Direction, and Clarity
- Mercy Prayer: The Boundless Compassion of the Savior
- Walk with Christ: Embracing the Path He Set Before Us
- Prayer for Prevailing Strength
- Prayer for Peace of Mind
- Prayer for Spiritual Warfare: Armor Against the Darkness
- Gather Around Jesus Prayer: Embracing Unity and Fellowship
- Prayer to Cleanse My Heart
- Prayer for Healing: Divine Intervention to Drive Away Sickness
- Prayer for Productivity: Trusting God's Purpose and Design
- Draw Prisoners to Yourself Prayer
- Prayer for a Positive Mental Attitude
- Church Community Prayer: Unity in Christ's Love
- Prayer to Overcome Negative Thinking: Embracing the Light of Christ's Teachings
- Prayer for Freedom from the Curse of Divorce
- God's Daughters Prayer: The Unwavering Strength and Grace of Women
- Prayer for My Physical Healing
- No Disease Shall Prosper Prayer: Standing Firm in God’s Healing Promise
- Gratitude Prayer: Embracing Blessings and Trusting God's Goodness
- Prayer for God’s Ministering Spirits
- Prayer of Heavenly Touch
- Prayer for Protection: Safeguarding Our Homes
- Wholeness Prayer: Embracing Complete Restoration in Christ
- Declarations for Breakthroughs this Year
- Let Your Light Shine: Living as Beacons of Hope and Love
- Fruitful Church: Nurturing Growth Through Faith
- Gratitude Prayer: Embracing Life's Blessings through Thanksgiving
- Protection and Safety Prayer
- Kindness Prayer: Reflecting God's Love Through Action
- Prayer for Renewed Love: Rediscovering the Heart's True Essence
- Carry Me Prayer: Trusting in God's Strength
- Prayer for a Safe Event
- Prayer to Rescue the Prey of the Oppressor
- Be Lord Over Us: Submitting Our Lives to Christ's Authority
- Challenging Times Prayer: Trusting God's Sovereignty
- Prayer for Decisions: Seeking Divine Guidance and Wisdom
- Power and Authority Prayer: Standing Firm in Christ's Might
- Sing Praises Prayer: The Joy of Worship in Adversity
- Consecration Prayer: Dedication to a Life in Christ
- Prayer of Thanksgiving for Loving Devotion
- Prayer for the Redemption of the Imprisoned
- Prayer for Good Health: Trusting in the Divine Provider
- Strength and Guidance Prayer: Seeking the Path of Righteousness
- Prayer for God’s Presence: Drawing Near to the Heart of the Father
- Prayer to Break Toxic Communications
- Prayer for a Good Gift: The Bounty of Divine Generosity
- Light of the World: Illuminating Our Path Through Darkness
- True Rest: Finding Solace in the Arms of the Savior
- Never Alone Prayer: Embracing the Ever-Present God
- Prayer for Peace: Embracing the Tranquility of the Spirit
- Give Me Strength Prayer: Drawing Power from the Almighty
- Hard Year Prayer: Finding Peace and Renewal in Difficult Times
- Surrender Prayer: Finding Peace in Letting Go
- Prayer for Referees: Fostering Respect and Fairness in Sports
- Prayer for a Family's Employment
- God’s Peace Prayer: Tranquility Amidst the Storm
- Prayer for Setting Boundaries: Seeking Guidance and Discernment
- Use My Gifts Prayer: Embracing God's Purpose for My Talents
- Breaking Spiritual Burdens: Finding Release Through Christ's Embrace
- New Opportunities Prayer: Embracing God's Direction for a Fresh Start
- Provision Prayer: Trusting God’s Abundance
- Examples of Faith: The Assurance of Things Unseen
- Prayer for Competition: Seeking Grace and Fair Play
- Dedication Prayer: Committing Our Lives and Work to the Lord
- Abundant Blessings and Favor: Embracing the Grace of God
- Humility Prayer: Embracing the Spirit of Servanthood
- Prayer for Clear-Headed Dating
- Guard Prayer: Safeguarding Our Hearts and Minds in Christ Jesus
- The Perfection of Your Finished Work Prayer
- Securely Tied to You: Anchored in the Love of Christ
- Revive My Spirit: Drawing Near to the Giver of Life
- Refresh My Soul Prayer
- Prayer to Renew Our Love: Rediscovering the Heart of Christ
- Prayer for Materials: Seeking God First in All Things
- Driving Travel Protection Prayer
- Prayer to Rebuild My Spirit
- A Prayer for a Friend Who Is Facing a Difficult Decision
- Prayer to Build the Church
- Thanksgiving Prayer: Gratitude in All Circumstances
- Prayer for Forgiving Others: Embracing the Compassion of Christ
- Show Your Magnificence Prayer
- Prayer for Chain Breaking: Liberation through Christ's Love
- Thanksgiving Prayer: Gratitude for God's Unending Blessings
- Strength in Weakness Prayer: Embracing Divine Power in Human Fragility
- Prayer to Be a Messenger: Emulating the Life and Teachings of Christ
- Powerful God Prayer: Acknowledging His Might and Sovereignty
- Bless the Intercessors: Upholding Others in Prayer
- Prayer for Eternal Prize: Seeking the Everlasting Reward
- Prayer for Perseverance: Finding Strength in Christ's Steadfastness
- Prayer to Bless with Emotional Regulation
- Secure Future: Entrusting Our Tomorrow to the Lord
- Prayer of Gratitude: Recognizing God's Mercies in Our Lives
- New Birth in Baptism Prayer
- Victory Prayer: Triumphing Over Adversity with God's Guidance
- Deliver Addicts from Enablers Prayer
- Prayer to Open Spiritual Eyes
- Remind Me Prayer: Remembering God's Promises in Moments of Doubt
- Uplifting Prayers for Family Conflict
- Prayer for Healing: Embracing the Healing Touch of the Savior
- A Prayer in Times of Disappointment with Personal Fitness
- Everlasting Love: The Boundless Affection of Our Savior
- Everything We Need Prayer: Trusting God’s Provisions
- Fascination and Glory Prayer: The Majesty of God's Creation
- Overcome Fear: Trusting in God's Unfailing Protection
- Prayer for Help Through Challenges
- Change My Heart Prayer: A Cry for Transformation
- Prayer for Enlightenment: Seeking Divine Clarity
- I Want to Be Like Jesus Prayer
- Prayer that Many Will Have Life in Jesus’ Name
- A Prayer for My Sisters
- Meet My Needs Prayer: Trusting in God's Provision
- Prayers for Help in Times of Trouble
- Prayer for Excellent Headway in Finances
- Prayer to Banish Weakness and Disability
- Prayer for an Addict’s Restored Relationships
- Prayer for Overcoming Past Disappointments: Embracing God's Promise for Tomorrow
- Prayer for Family Unity: Binding Love Through Faith
- Give Me Happiness Prayer: The Joy of the Lord as Our Strength
- Prayers for Guidance in Decision Making
- Prayer for Making a Choice: Seeking Divine Wisdom
- Abide in Us Prayer: The Presence and Influence of the Spirit
- A Hedge of Protection: Shielded by God's Unfailing Love
- Food That Endures: Sustenance for Eternity
- Husband’s Prayer for Surrender
- Family Mealtime Prayer: Gratitude for God’s Provision and Unity
- Transformation Prayer: The Metamorphosis through Christ
- Guard My Heart Prayer: Protecting the Inner Sanctuary
- Cheerful Heart: The Joy of the Lord in Our Lives
- Breaths of Gentleness: Finding Calm in the Midst of Storms
- Prayer to the One Who Fills Our Bodies and Souls
- Authority Prayer: The Divine Mandate to Command and Be Commanded
- A Prayer When Receiving Criticism
- A Prayer for a Friend Who Has Lost Someone
- Prayer to Build Each Other Up
- Healing Prayers for Broken Hearts
- Prayer to Trample Affliction under Our Feet
- New Life Prayer: Embracing Transformation through Christ
- Declarations to Plead the Blood of Jesus
- Bless This Food: Gratitude for God’s Sustenance
- Rest Prayer: Finding Tranquility in God's Embrace
- Prayer for Edifying Relationships: Building Bonds through Christ
- Deliverance Prayer: Breaking Free from Bondage
- Perfect Love Prayer: Cast Out All Fear
- Prayer for Continued Fellowship: The Bond of Love
- Prayer to the Stronghold of My Life: Finding Refuge in God
- Prayer for Joy: Finding Joy in God's Presence
- Calm My Anger Prayer: Finding Peace Through Christ
- Prayer of a Grieving Parent: Finding Comfort in God's Embrace
- Prayer for the Unknown: Trusting God's Plan
- Prayer for Families of the Faithful: Unity in Christ
- Prayer for Challenging Times: Finding Peace in Christ
- Prayer for Health
- Bible-Based Prayer Points for Divine Intervention
- Prayer Points for Overcoming Masturbation
- Prayer Points for Protection and Safety
- Prayer Points to End War and Bring Peace
- Prayer Points for Filipinos Family Unity
- Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points for Filipinos
- Prayer Points for the Philippines Government
- Prayer Points for Filipino Students
- Prayer Points for Filipino Migrants
- Filipino Prayer Points for Financial Breakthrough
- Prayer for Relief from Poverty in the Philippines
- Prayer for a Miracle in the Face of the Impossible
- 2 Minutes Prayer for the Impossible: Trusting in God's Infinite Power
- Jesus' Prayer for Healing: The Embrace of Divine Compassion
- 2 Minute Morning Prayer: Beginning the Day with Gratitude and Purpose
- A 2-Minute Night Prayer: Seeking Rest in God's Embrace
- I Am Healed in Jesus' Name: Embracing Divine Restoration
- Healing Prayers for the Body: Embracing Divine Restoration
- Healing Prayer Miracle: Embracing the Transformative Power of Belief
- Prayer for Healing Sickness: The Merciful Touch of Christ
- Jesus Healing Prayer: Embracing Divine Restoration
- Jesus Heal Me: Seeking Divine Restoration
- Prayer for a Miracle for the Impossible
- Healing Prayers in Jesus' Name: Trusting in the Savior's Mercy
- I Confess Prayer: Embracing Repentance and Renewal
- Prayer Points for Overcoming the Fear of Failure in Pursuing Dreams
- Prayer Points for Healing from Hidden Emotional Wounds Affecting Relationships
- Prayer Points for Breaking Generational Cycles of Stagnation and Delay
- Prayer Points for Divine Guidance in Making Life-Altering Decisions
- Prayer Points for Overcoming the Spirit of Procrastination and Laziness
- Prayer Points for Deliverance from the Spirit of Comparison and Envy
- Prayer Points for Breaking Free from Unhealthy Addictions and Dependencies
- Prayer Points for Restoration of Broken Family Ties and Unity
- Prayer Points for Divine Protection Against Unseen Spiritual Attacks
- Prayer Points for Overcoming the Spirit of Rejection and Low Self-Esteem
- Prayer Points for Breaking Curses of Poverty and Lack in Your Lineage
- Prayer Points for Divine Acceleration in Delayed Promises and Prophecies
- Prayer Points for Healing from the Trauma of Past Mistakes and Regrets
- Prayer Points for Overcoming the Spirit of Fear and Anxiety about the Future
- Prayer Points for Breaking the Power of Negative Words Spoken Over Your Life
- Prayer Points for Divine Intervention in Unresolved Legal Matters
- Prayer Points for Deliverance from the Spirit of Perfectionism and Self-Condemnation
- Prayer Points for Breaking the Cycle of Unhealthy Relationships and Toxic Connections
- Prayer Points for Divine Wisdom in Raising Children in a Challenging World
- Prayer Points for Overcoming the Spirit of Loneliness and Isolation
- Prayer Points for Breaking the Power of Recurring Nightmares and Bad Dreams
- Prayer Points for Divine Provision in Times of Unexpected Financial Crises
- Prayer Points for Healing from the Effects of Childhood Trauma and Abuse
- Prayer Points for Breaking the Spirit of Delay in Marital Breakthroughs
- Prayer Points for Divine Favor in Competitive Environments and Opportunities
- Prayer Points for Overcoming the Spirit of Doubt and Unbelief in God’s Promises